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Total Time: 6:09
Moving Time: 4:32
Stopped Time 1:37
Ascent Total: 1068m
Descent Total: 1074
Left home at 07:00 and arrived at Blackshope farm at 08:40. Sorted out my kit and was off and walking just after 9:00. Brilliant Sunshine and a cloud free sky welcomed me at the start and followed me all the way throughout the day.
Decided to tackle the route starting with the lesser of the 2 slopes, ie Under Saddle Yoke as it looked a bit easier. A hard slog ensued, and not long into the walk I was in short-sleeved T-shirt with the Sun starting to gain height in the Sky.
I reached the Summit of Under Saddle Yoke in about 2 hours, with a well earned rest, and a bite to eat.
With the sun beating down I was off again for the next hill top. The path disappeared and a bit of map reading and navigation was required but with clear skys this was no issue.
I picked up the fence line and pretty much followed this all the way to the top of Hartfell, stopping frequently for a few pics and regular intakes of fluid due to glorious sunshine.
A well earned rest was taken on Hart Fell, lunch was quickly eaten and a wee chat with the only other person I saw all day, before packing up and heading off again towards Swatte Fell.
Once again some pics where taken and another rest before starting the descent back to the car.
All in all a great day in the hills with the weather to back it up. This was a tough route but well rewarded with excellent views of the surrounding hills. The path does disappear in places but I found no problem with linking up with it again. It is also a bit boggey in parts but not enough to ruin the walk.
- View up the Valley as you start to climb
- Views open up as height is gained.
- Looking towards Swatte Fell
- First view of Under Saddle Yoke
- Across Carrifran Glen and over to White Coomb
- Carrifran Glen
- Under Saddle Yoke
- Saddle Yoke
- Looking towards Hart Fell
- Looking back to a particularly boggey section
- View across towards the reservoir near Talla
- Summit Trig of Hart Fell, (Only Trig on this walk)
- View back down towards Saddle Yoke
- Great Valley Shot!!
- Saddle Yoke and Under Saddle Yoke, Stunning
- Views of the valley open up as you transcend the ridge
- Wee waterfall on the way back down.
All in all a great day in the hills, although a rather tough route!!