SusieThePensioner wrote: I know what you mean
Bad enough when our two daughters go on school trips abroad and they're the teachers in charge
You mean it gets no better
SusieThePensioner wrote:Many years ago, when the golden eagles used to nest there, we were fortunate to meet one of the volunteer wardens and, as we were talking to him, the female eagle rose above us
Later, when having our lunch on High Street, we saw the eagle again. Back at the carpark there were lots of people with binoculars and we asked if they'd seen the eagles; the answer was 'no'. We kept quiet about the views we'd had, didn't want to brag about it
Now that must have been awesome
I once had a close encounter with a Golden Eagle in the Quiraing on Skye. A close look is something you never forget.
Ibex wrote:Its wierd seeing one of your reports without Grace. I always expect to see the classic photo of Grace holding Hughie next to a summit cairn.
It was weird not having her there. Had to make do with telling Nicola to hurry up
I jest of course
Ibex wrote:More lovely photo's, as usual. You should do it for a living. I think you'd make money out of it!
I'm still massively jelous of all the walking you get to do. I was watching one of the Wainwrights walks DVD's the other day and it featured Mardale. Quite a sad story for the little village now underneath the resevoir!
I'd love to make a living out of photography but at the moment it's not something that could realistically happen, perhaps once Grace is grown up. The story of Mardale is indeed very sad, can't imagine how hard it would have been to be evicted from a place as beautiful as that
According to AW it was even more beautiful previously with the two smaller lakes rather than the one big reservoir.[/quote]
Ibex wrote:Hoping I can convince my wife to let me sod off to the Lakes for a few days next week. Could do with the time away and some silence.
Tell her I said it was alright.
L-Hiking wrote:Well done Hughie
At last I can read the names of the hills
I'll pass on your congratulations Geoff