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Warning Please note that hillwalking when there is snow lying requires an ice-axe, crampons and the knowledge, experience and skill to use them correctly. Summer routes may not be viable or appropriate in winter. See winter information on our skills and safety pages for more information.

Foss Corbetts

Foss Corbetts

Postby Ian Bayne » Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:18 pm

Corbetts included on this walk: Farragon Hill, Meall Tairneachan

Date walked: 16/06/2013

Time taken: 6.15 hours

Distance: 17.25 km

Ascent: 878m

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A lot of reports for these pair of hills are winter walks so heres a summer report . Started of at the Foss mine road at 0815hrs Me Steve and the everpresent Jake ( whos got no choice where I go He goes) .Started off at a good pace but soon the layers were coming off ,t shirt time, Once we cleared the woodline the sun started to break through the clouds and with no wind . Once we got to the wee turnaround area the path up to the cairn was marked by a metal post all was required was to drop the packs and walk the 100m to the cairn arrived 0945hrs had a complete all round vision Schiehallion clear Beinn a Ghlo clear probably the first time Ive seen them beasts clear . Stayed up there for about 20min then down to the packs a brew then off to the Farragon Hill we stopped off at the mine entrance for the photo then right across the workings no one working today .
With Farragonfacing you all what is required is to stay on the hard standing road then on to the track at the end of the track we picked a route off to the right to the hill line to avoid the peat and the stream and picked a route up the hill reached the cairn just before midday we stayed for about 30min had our lunch and just enjoyed the good weather . All we had to do next was to follow the same route back to the car met 3 walkers and passed a couple of landrovers of the highland safari . Got to the car at1430 and a couple of ice cold buds job done a good relaxing day out .
Target 2
Meall Tairneachan
the mine
uncovered earthen wear
Beinn a Ghlo
Farragon Hill
the end
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Ian Bayne
Mountain Walker
Posts: 401
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Joined: Oct 25, 2010
Location: Rosyth

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