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Still protecting my post-surgery knee, I decided upon another fairly low, grassy walk so, after the prolonged dry spell, this seemed like an ideal route. I set off early morning (7.30) to avoid having to walk in the heat and parked near Birthwood Farm before the reservoir road well over a cattle grid. I crossed the King's Burn and headed up Fell Shin on a clear track passing several grouse butts on the climb.
- Looking up Fell Shin
- Looking down Fell Shin, Tinto in the distance
Once past the cairn at the top of FS, there was a straightforward stroll over to summit of Culter Fell.
- Culter Fell summit
From here it was a case of follow the fence-line down towards Moss Law, over that and then down to Holm Nick. I was very grateful for the dry weather - I could imagine that this could be a bit of a boggy plod after rain!
- Descending Culter Fell, heading towards Gathersnow Hill
I sat for a snack and drink on some convenient boulders before heading up a vehicle track which roughly followed the fence up Glenwhappen Rig, then turned west to quickly arrive at the summit of Gathersnow Hill, which must have one of the worst summit cairns in Scotland!
- The summit of Gathersnow Hill
The view North back to Culter Fell was fine but every other aspect was spoiled by all the windfarms - very ugly landscape indeed. At this point I decided to call it a day and return the 7km to the car so it was back down to Hlm Nick, enjoying the views of Culter Fell on the descent.
- descending Gathersnow Hill looking north to Culter Fell
A rough road ran down beside Culter Water and round the east bank of the reservoir, from where I took a last look back at Gathersnow Hill.
- Gathersnow Hill from Coulter Reservoir
All that remained, after the dam, was the just over 3km stroll back to the car along a fairly flattish well-made road. An easier end to a day I can't recall. I was glad, though, that I'd started early because the heat was building up in the glen.