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First munro attempt while on a break in Crook of Devon. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Weather seemed not too bad and forecast to get better but arriving at the carpark there was a hill with a track up its side but the top was a mystery.
- Excitement at the car park - it's up there somewhere
A 30min walk along the farm track and then over the style and through the slightly boggy ground up to the base of the track which was visible right up the side of the mountain. Quite a bit of scree further up with big steps for these little legs. Really nice views back over the valley but just as we came to the top of the steep bit and we entered the cloud and it was then a heads down walk until the cairn and trig point.
- Made it!
Not much point hanging about so we headed straight back down - lots of slipping on the scree track - I'm starting to see the sense in poles. Still it was fun!
We got back to the car in 3hr 25min in glorious sunshine but was happy to see the summit still had its white hat on.