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The Manor Glen.

The Manor Glen.

Postby Benaden887 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:53 pm

Fionas included on this walk: Dun Rig

Donalds included on this walk: Black Law, Cramalt Craig, Dollar Law, Dun Rig, Greenside Law

Date walked: 27/08/2013

Time taken: 7 hours

Distance: 18 km

Ascent: 974m

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Sunday found me walking some of the Manor hills - from Black Law down across the Meggat right of way - over Greenside Law and Notman Law to the Thieves road - Dun Law to Cromalt Craig - once a Corbett - then back and on to Dollar Law. As I rested beside the trig point to refuel, the rain clouds gathered and the extra three hours to cover the Pykestone three did not appeal so I headed down for the car. The weather- misty to start then sunshine, a stiff breeze which I enjoyed and great views when the clag faded giving to haze by the time I reached Dun Law - the going was rough to start, boggy in places but easier on the second half of my day. Seen enroute - umpteen grouse, the early fox that stopped while crossing the road and as I braked gave me a nod of thanks and was gone into the hedgerow.
More grouse - brown hares - Buzzards - roadkill badgers - five off !! - a heron fishing the burn with gulls and crows mobbing each time he/it caught a fish and the Buzzard atop a telegraph pole watching me change and stash my gear in the car. Apart from the flies, no midges or ticks so hey - I had a great day.

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Last edited by Benaden887 on Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Manor Glen.

Postby gaffr » Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:31 pm

Manor valley was the start to one of our earlist walks when at school '57. :) Bus from the city to Peebles then on the road to Manor valley. Passing Bowed Davies wee house... a character, The Black Dwarf, used by Walter Scott in one of his stories.
I think that we thought, at the time, that Broad Law was the big hill in the South. Anyway camped above Manorhead .....Dun Law, Cramalt Craig and Broad Law then down to Talla Linnfoots and bus back home from Tweedsmuir. A fine wee taste of the hills beyond the Pentlands! :)
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