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As with last year we decided to spend October half term at the same cottage in Glen Nevis. Also as with last year the weather turned out to not be the best, in fact last years weather was a lot better
I suppose we should be grateful that the "STORM OF THE CENTURY!"
hit the South and not Scotland for once but it was a week of much wind, rain but fortunately the odd glimpse of sun.
With Sunday being written off we decided to attempt to climb at least one hill during the week and as the winds weren't quite gale force on the morning forecast a late decision was taken to pop down to Glencoe and climb the Pap.
As we pulled up at the parking area I noticed a couple heading off up a forestry track. By the time we were getting ready they returned and asked which way was it to climb the mountain. I wasn't sure they were quite dressed for it but once I'd pointed at the pap and asked "that one?" I sent them off South East down the road ( they had been going in the opposite direction initially) and said keep going and you'll find the start of the path up. The obviously European couple thanked me and happily set off. By the time we set off along the path next to the road who should turn up but the couple once again. They had walked along the road until they found the first path and followed it back to the parking area. Once again I set them onwards with greater concern at them heading up anything higher than the stairs on a day of, what was at best, mixed weather. Once we negotiated the cows just after the gate we could see the couple making good progress up the track. Unfortunately they walked straight past the path up the hill that goes over the small bridge and onwards up the forestry track.
We did notice them on the correct path a little later but fortunately their summit attempt was abandoned probably as the path started to get more rocky as we didn't see them again or hear of a rescue from the Anoach Eagach that afternoon.
The walk it'self was made quite a bit more challenging by the conditions with the heavy rains causing the bogs to be particularly boggy and the rocks to be wet and slippy so progress was quite slow but we eventually battled through the rain and wind (and some times sun!) to make the summit. We were granted the Pap's magnificent summit panorama as we had lunch which was every bit as wonderful at it looks like it should be from the road. Fortunately we made it down from the rocky summit dome just before a stinging hail shower hit us along with a strengthening of the wind. We were well drawked by the time we got back to the car but happy that we'd at least got to the top of a hill during the week.
Glencoe by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Showers by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Seven times Sun, Seven times Rain by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Rugged by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Grace on the summit by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Looking towards Kinlochleven by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
I'm Going to get Wet Soon by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
A Splash of Light by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
I drove around to Glencoe early on Tuesday and following a frustrating time chasing the light up and down the A82, I nabbed my version of the classic chocolate box shot of the big Bookill.
The One That Got Away by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
The day was a bright but very windy so we headed west to visit the singing sands. We followed the
Walkhighlands route for what was a very pleasant walk with some beautiful views. We didn't get the sands to sing but saw some wonderful rainbows as the showers blew through.
Ben Resipol from Kentra Bay by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Kentra Bay by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Best mates by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Two for one by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Somewhere.... by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Eigg and Rhum by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
West Coast Sunset by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
A dry morning (before another deluge) on Wednesday was spent walking along to
Steall Falls. We've visited twice previously but this wonderful location just doesn't get old.
Steall Falls Mono by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Water of Nevis by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Big Ben by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Upper Glen Nevis by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
To say the weather Thursday was poor is an understatement with rain and strong winds battering Fort William. Heeding some advice I once heard for when it's raining in the West, we headed further west and ended up on the Silver Sands of Morar where an amazing transformation occurred as the clouds parted in biblical fashion to utterly transform the day.
When it's Wet in the West... by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Retreating clouds by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Sand patterns by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Rocky shore by
johnkaysleftleg, on Flickr
Our week was rounded of with a soggy wander up the glen on the Friday. We certainly didn't end up doing what we planned during the week but still had a good time in overall visiting some places we hadn't planned on.