by canisp » Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:10 pm
Munros included on this walk: Blà Bheinn
Date walked: 04/01/2008
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The 1st time i did Bla Bheinn i followed the route as described, looking back the advantage of this route is you cannot see the main Cuillin until you top out, when you do, its a revelation. After reading a route described in trail magazine i parked near Kilmarie, a 3.5km walk put me at the foot of the south ridge. From here at 100 mtrs, it is over 800 mtrs of ascent in 2 kms distance. Stunning views all the way. As stated in the first article there is a scramble between the Top and the Munro. I am no climber, the tricky bits were short but i reached Bla Bheinn. I returned by dropping down the south east gully to a small top at 534209 then south down a broad ridge. If it is important to you to reach the Munro, and you are not keen on scrambling, take the first route.