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Started at the bottom of Cochno Road, there is parking either side, pub car park or where the recycle bins are. Walk all the way up the road taking the road on the left after entering the countryside, this leads all the way to Greenside Reservoir along the side of Loch Humphrey burn.
- around the slacks 2
We went round the bottom of The Slacks after walking across the Reservoir Dam, or you could go straight up to the trig point on top of the slacks before heading for Loch Humphrey.
- around the slacks
- around the slacks 2
- over the burn
After crossing a burn at the west shore of the reservoir we headed fairly straight across open moorland towards loch Humphrey, fairly dry underfoot so far.
- dumcolm
- to loch humphrey
- looking towards Duncolm from loch humphrey
On reaching Loch Humphrey there is a fairly easy to follow track that goes up Fynloch Hill and onwards to the summit of Duncolm.
- track to duncolm
- up Fynloch Hill
- up Fynloch Hill
- looking back from Fynloch Hill
- Duncolm
- duncolm
The views here are great, looking all around from Ben Lomond to Dumgoyne.
From here you could extend you walk to Burncrooks Reservoir taking you to The Whangie
- half way up duncolm
We headed off south east crossing the stone wall and following it until we were parallel with the crags, from there we headed along the side of the burn making a bee line for the top of Craighirst. I wouldn’t advice this in the snow as from then until Cochno Loch it was very boggy with fairly deep water filled holes, making this part fairly slow going.
After climbing over Craighirst we continued south east for the west shore of the loch where you once again find a path, all be it a boggy one.
- from Craighirst back to duncolm
As you climb the path you can continue straight on, as we did, you lose the path for 60 metres but rejoin another that takes you all the way down and back onto the road that you first came up. You also have the option of another detour to the summit of Cochno hill if you go right (west) after coming up from the reservoir; having been here a few times we just headed back to the road, past the old water works and back onto Cochno road for the walk down the pavement to the bottom of the road.
If you don’t fancy parking in a pub car park another option is
This is a car park in the country side along Cochno Road, same distance from the water works