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A sunny day! What an unusual experience this winter. had decided to keep to the east of the country given the weather forecast and this seemed a good opportunity for Sick Kid to get Ben Vorlich and maybe either Stuc a'Chroin or Meall na Fearna. Up and away just after 7 and a pleasant drive up Lochlomondside. Road was a bit icy at Crianlarich but the sun made short work of the residual snow on the road. Got along to the parking spot by the banks of Loch Earn, with quite a few other walkers arriving around the same time. Vorlich looked beautiful, swathed in white. The sun was really warm where you were sheltered from the wind and several layers of clothing were discarded on the track up. By around 400m the snow was taking over, but it was a bit crustier and easier to walk on than the freshly fallen variety yesterday. Also, a couple of folk had gone up ahead, so there was a trail already broken, always good!
Looking up to Vorlich from Ardvorlich House
P1000439 by
23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
Looking over to the flank of Stuc a'Chroin I didn't much like the amount of snow lying on the return route. When I'd done these hills last winter it had been in perfect snow conditions for the Stuc and I was aware that today's snow fell well short of that. Over to our left we could see the rounded knobbly hill of Meall na Fearna - I'd paid it no attention last time, but now Corbetts are on the radar, so it was a desirable place to go. Pressing on up Vorlich there were places the snow deepened, but generally it was an easy walk up. We stood on the corrie edge looking at the final pull to the summit - snow was icy enough here to warrant crampons for the last 100m. And then there was the trig point straight ahead.
Looking to the route down from SaC
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23weasels, on Flickr
View South
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23weasels, on Flickr
View North with MnF
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23weasels, on Flickr
View from the corrie
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
We drank in the snowy views which were expanisve, and tried to decide what to do. It did look possible to go up the Stuc, but I was wary given the patches of soft slippy snow and the concerns about the avalanche potential of the descent route. Decided this was better left for another day - maybe a summer scramble - and headed off along the south-eastern shoulder of Vorlich. I'd not been able to find my map for these hills and had got the rough geography of where to go up Meall na Fearna from Walkhighlands last night, so using that and the map on my GPS we followed the the line of fence posts down, stopping to have lunch behind the shelter of some big rocks, as the wind was quite fierce in gusts, blasting us with spindrift. As we sat and ate, a snow shower came on, with big flakes drifting down, then replaced by hailstones. The visibility completely disappeared- one moment we were looking at the hills all around, next we were enclosed in our own white world where nothing else existed but the rocks we sat on. Then, just as suddenly, the shower passed and the hills were restored, blue sky and sun re-asserted themselves.
Sick Kid with SaC behind
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
View back to Vorlich, with weather closing in
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
Stuc a'Chroin
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23weasels, on Flickr
Localised weather
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23weasels, on Flickr
SaC again
P1000470 by
23weasels, on Flickr
Looking down into the valley between Vorlich and MnF I could see a stream winding through the snow - hopefully not too challenging to get across! We decided to head up the hill from the southern side, rather than walk up the valley and ascend by the WH route, as this looked harder than our one. We sauntered down to the stream and found that it was easy enough, although the rocks that i'd chosen to stand on did not prove stable enough to stop my boots ending up in the water - fortunately not deep. Then it was up the gradual slope of MnF - snow had largely been drifted elsewhere and the going was, in the main, quite easy although there were a few areas of deep snow that needed wading through. There were several false summits heading up from this direction, but the views of Vorlich standing immense, with a trail of spindrift rising from the summit, compensated for any effort. Finally we came to the short craggy section up to the cairn and enjoyed some fantastic views.
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
Up to one of many false summits
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
Yay - the real summit of MnF
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23weasels, on Flickr
Vorlich from summit MnF
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
As we prepared to move on, a guy came wandering up from the west side, hands in pockets. He was planning to do the same route as us, in reverse, and therefore we'd each left the other a trail to follow through the snow - which I found helpful as the route down from MnF wound in and out of crags and peat hags. Headed down keeping the stream in the valley to our left and enjoying the sight of Loch Earn coming into view, with the yellow/brown vegetation and the white hills of the Lawers range in the distance. Eventually we hit an ATV track which we followed until it came to a proper track, crossing a bridge we then rejoined the ascent path from Ardvorlich and strolled down to the car. A lovely day out with spectacular views. Really glad we did this circuit.
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
Vorlich again
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23weasels, on Flickr
looking back to MnF
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
View back along the valley
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23weasels, on Flickr
Looking to Loch Earn
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23weasels, on Flickr
Lawers hills
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr
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23weasels, on Flickr