HI There saw the post thread title and thought I'd add some notes and video I made of our ascent up The Merrick on February 15th this year. Although I should say straight away that we never made it that far !!!!!
As you'll see from the video the conditions meant we only got as far up as the summit of Benyellary. You can see me pointing my finger at the top of the Merrick in the distance but the thing to note is how deep the snow was and how windy it got...it just wasnt safe nor easy. The snow had drifted to a couple of feet on either side of the drystane dyke that is the start of the 'path' from Benyellary to the Merrick summit.
The reason for posting up is just to illustrate how different the conditions can be up that height. There was no snow on the ground lower down that day you can clearly see the snow line as we ascend. I'm sure the more experienced of you will know that fine well but it illustrates to anyone wondering what it MAY be like up there in February even when no snow and mild conditions at lower levels.
We were a bit dissapointed to have to turn back but knew it was the right decision and I have to say, that disappointment aside it was a terrific walk and the views from Benyellary were awesome as hopefully you can pick up from the video.
Music by Scottish Band Teenage Fanclub !