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Couple of reports here showed this route, so thought I'd give it a go. It's about 10k by bike on a good tarmac road, took 45 mins out and 33 mins back. The walk is 2280m of ascent, 29km and took 9:15. Plan A was to cycle to the start of the walk at night, set up the tent and make an early start...but I didn't factor in the midges.
Nice road.

An Eigin

Past the dam and along Loch Fannich looking for a place to camp.

Found a flatish bit of ground but there was long grass, heather and wasn't much of a breeze so it wasn't a surprise when a couple of midges had a bite. This signalled every midge in the area to attack, had the net on my head but they found a way through every gap in clothing. Quite a few got inside the tent and I could see thousands outside, so I packed everything back up and flew back down the road to the car through a constant cloud of the little gits.
Woke up at 5 and cycled back up to the bridge over the burn, ditched the bike and started up the hill.

Ground is a bit tussocky, Fannich Lodge in the trees below:

On An Coileachan looking towards An Eigin.

Next, Meall Gorm:


2 down, the next 2 are Sgurr Mor ahead and Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich on its right:

Boggier route in:

Sgurr Mor, there's a stalkers path that bypasses the top just above the snow patch.

On the path:

Back to An Coileachan:

Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich, path goes round to the left of the top.

Then up across a rocky patch.

Cairn & the next 2 Munros: Sgur Mor (the biggie) and Meall a'Chrasgaidh is the second hill to its right.

Beinn Dearg:

Loch Broom, An Teallach:

Anothe wee shelter on the way to Sgurr Mor:

Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich looking small from the top of Sgurr Mor:

Last 2 of the day, Sgurr nan Clach Geala (another big one) with Sgurr nan Each on the left:

Rocky descent from Sgurr Mor with Meall a'Chrasgaidh behind Carn na Criche:

The rocky descent:

The return route, Sgurr nan Clach Geala and Sgurr nan Each:

But first, an easy ascent of Meall a'Chrasgaidh:

An Teallach from the top:

Then a lot of ascent to Sgurr nan Clach Geala.

Nice ridge.

Back to Meall a'Chrasgaidh:

The other 2 Fannichs:

Last Munro, Sgurr nan Each:

Sgurr nan Clach Geala from Sgurr nan Each, Sgull Mor on the right:


Continuing along the ridge, Sgurr a Chadha Dheirg:

Then down to the lochside track, the peat hags had baked in the sun and were OK to walk on so I went to the left of Torran Ruadh, otherwise it would be easier to go to the right where the trees are and join the track earlier. And I went straight down the ridge from here, it gets pretty steep so a better option would be to head west for an easier gradient.

Changed into comfy dry socks on Sgurr nan Each and was almost at the track when I hit some marshy grass so it was a squelchy return to the bike