free to be able to rate and comment on reports (as well as access 1:25000 mapping).
So Ben Vorlich was my chosen munro to conquer all on my own! After having researched the hill and the route from Inveruglas I was really excited, but nervous, to bag this one on my own

Taking extra care with supplies, waterproof maps (not chancing it after the Narnain incident), and waterproof case for my phone, I packed my bag the night before and decided to get an early night so I could set off early the next morning and miss the rain that was forecast for the afternoon.
The next morning it was overcast but very warm!! I knew I'd be in for a tough day with the heat

I made good time up to Inveruglas car park as the roads were quiet except for a few buses... which I managed to zoom by

I was now so excited that I didn't waste anytime getting ready at the car park. I noticed a couple of groups that were there getting ready too and were going to be heading the same way, so I tried to get going before they did as I wanted to have the experience of being out on my own as much as possilbe (I know... how anti-social of me!?


IMG_4803As I made my way up the track, Vorlich came into sight and I was disappointed to see that the clouds were lying low as I was hoping for nice, clear views at the top!
IMG_4809I was constantly checking my gps to see where I'd turn off the track as I had been told the cairn is easy to miss, and I really couldn't live it down if I got myself lost again!!

I was loving my surroundings!! I loved the rockiness of the hills I was surrounded by and the contrast of Loch Sloy Dam. The only thing that let it down was the MAHOOSIVE pylons that were dotted about the area - but I suppose that can't always be helped.
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meganccoombesI was so thankful that the rain stayed away for the whole day! The only thing I really struggle with (aside from my gammy knee) was the heat and the midgies!!

I stupidly forgot to put on smidge or skin so soft before heading out. I turn out in horrible red lumps that are itchy as hell when attacked by midgies so I had to put my fleece on. This was not fun in the heat!
Aside from this, I was having a ball! The further I climbed, the more often I stopped to turn around and admire the views of Loch Lomond. Scotland is truly beautiful!
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meganccoombesThe cloud began to lift slightly by the time I got to the top. I was so proud of myself for doing this all by myself! So proud I practically skipped along to the summit to place my rock that I selectively picked up on the way

Here I met a lovely chap who was out on his own too. We chatted about the hills and I asked if he was on here. If you are reading, I was going to look you up but I have forgotten your name. Memory like a gold fish... Sorry!!

I then went to find a nice wee seat to sit and have a bite to eat and soak up the views...
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meganccoombesI didn't hang around for too long as I didn't want to be caught in the rain which was forecast for the afternoon, so I set off back down, poles out to help my knee and to batter any sheep that tried to fight me haha!

Looking on to Ben Vane, all I can remember thinking is, "that looks like a tough wee bugger!". Knowing it is the joint smallest munro, it definitely didn't look a jolly!
Making it down safely and unharmed by the wooly residents on the hill, I practically ran back to Inveruglas car park full of adrenaline that I had just completed my first solo munro and feeling like a proper wee adventurer.
Great day!