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Fi Priestley's last ever trip (and report)... While I've meticulously kept my WH blog up-to-date with entries for every one of my walks since my first Munro in Sept 2011 (also the day I joined WH), I've not actually written a trip report for the public forum in almost a year
This is partly down to becoming lazier
but mainly because Scoob posts a video report of all of our walks these days and they're usually better at telling our walk 'story'
I'm working on pulling together a map of our own Munro reports with links to 'ScoobTube'
but this is still a work in progress for now:
Scoob & Fi's Munro mapJust to clarify... I'm not giving up on the hills!! just changing my name - my next outing will be Schiehallion on our wedding day! Anyway, today's walk was a straight-ish line from one Corbett to another with a couple of Munros in between! Since we're now counting Munro round 2 as well as Corbett round 1, Scoob went further ahead on the big hills (I'd already done Vorlich twice) and closed the gap on the wee-er hills (this was my second time on Each)
It was forecast for rain later in the day so Scoob and I set off early for a 6.30am start from Ardvorlich, having left my car in the layby beside Beinn Each. We did manage to avoid the rain, getting views at each summit
although there was a haze present for most of the day.
Setting off on the good track towards Ben Vorlich, this time we took the first branch to the left heading instead for the Corbett first. It wasn't long before we came across what we initially thought were huge gemstones, then we figured it must be coloured ice
or even pieces from a meteorite
Thanks to Facebook and Google the answer's never far away
while it seems there is 'watermelon snow' to be seen out there, our find was actually mineral licks put out for the deer.
Up and down over the peat hags to Meall na Fearna then we headed almost straight for Vorlich's summit. We did look at options for dropping down lower and picking up the more gentle shoulder but instead picked out a steeper but more direct line through the crags with a brief scramble
Spotted a fox running up the hillside ahead of us but my zoomed in photos are just a big blur
- sink hole in Meall na Fearna's peat hags
- heading for the summit, picking out a grassy line to the left just before the top
- steeper way up Vorlich! but we found a little scramble :)
- nice view to Stuc from this side of Vorlich
Ben Vorlich to Stuc a'Chroin is a popular, well described route. We followed the path and then picked out the best scramble line we could find (veered away from path for this). After Stuc it was again path all the way over to the final hill of the day before heading back to the car we'd left waiting
- optional extra scrambling on way up Stuc :)
- now heading for Beinn Each
- Final summit as fipriestley!