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200th expo

200th expo

Postby donnaryan69 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:58 pm

Munros included on this walk: Binnein Beag, Binnein Mòr, Sgùrr Èilde Mòr

Date walked: 02/11/2014

Time taken: 10 hours

Distance: 18 km

Ascent: 1770m

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Psyced for my 200th Munro expedition I left Aberdeen at 6.30pm on Saturday with an inclement forecast. I sought out three hills together that I haven't done. I hadn't been west for a while so I settled on the Kinlochleven hills, they were getting bagged come what may. I made sureI had a good torch! Held up slightly in the morning due to my caffeine addiction; I slept in my van but forgot the dam coffee! luckily the Co-op opened at 6.45am to let me in for some. I got away at 7.45am and bagged the first summit at 11.30. Considerable time was spent detouring up stream to cross. All the paths were watercourses. Never the less, I made the second summit by 1.40. It was bitterly cold with a wind-chill of -10 (forecast) maybe less, not pleasant with soggy gloves, glad I had spares. Windy too but not as bad as earlier in the week. On top of the third munro of the day by 3.30pm in snow showers and wishing I had brought the goggles that I ditched at the last minute! Binnein Mor is a super nice scramble which looks improbable when looking across from Binnein Beag. It would have been easy to go and bag Na Gruagaichean which I haven't done yet but I was already going to be descending the last quarter of the day in the dark, so I decided against this plan, beside which I had to be in Peterhead for a 9am meeting on Monday.

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Re: 200th expo

Postby Fife Flyer » Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:18 pm

Thanks for that report, was planning to head that way last weekend but the forecast scuppered that idea :( I had an inkling that it may be a bit damp underfoot :lol:
Looks like they may have to wait till next year now :(
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Re: 200th expo

Postby Hill-loving lady » Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:04 am

I took a look at the craggy direct ascent from the wee lochan (infinity pool) and decided that was the way I was going....big mistake! Although June, it was still unconsolidated from the winter avalanches. Loose porridgy shale. Even Bob wasn't happy... But got up somehow. Great hills!
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