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Doing a walk like this in November meant an early morning start. Left home at 5.15am and started walking in dusk, was hoping for a glorious sunrise, didn't happen
The morning mist gradually cleared and all was fine until meeting the electric fence just after Under Saddle Yoke, which my partner assured me was switched off! Hmm thanks, mind you the jolt relieved any lingering remnants of sleep
As the sun came out, the views just kept getting better, but the wind was icy on the tops. We were going to fit in Whitehope Heights too, but decided to have a leisurely stroll instead. Stopped for a nice hot cup of tea between Cape Law and Hart Fell, out of the wind, beautiful peaceful place, I could have stayed all day.
But no it was back to the hills and the next electric fence, this time with no stile, or should I say no style, because that's how I got over. Then down hill all the way, slipping and stumbling and fighting the clinging bracken, boy was I glad to get down, very hard descent. Totally knackered, but very happy, fantastic views, brilliant walk.