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This was intended to be a quick late afternoon stroll - so I was dismayed to see the notices at the car park.
- Do not go along this track
Taking the smaller footpath to the right of the gate, I soon reached a middle track, the 'Misty Path' according to some local dog walkers I met. They advised continuing up to join a section of the Red Route from where there would be good views.
- Looking north over Peebles
This section of the Red Route is well away from the timber operations, and it seems a pity that so much of the hill has restricted access when the felling is (currently) near the summit.
- No comment on location, photographer etc etc
- It will be quite a change when the mature trees are felled
I drove back the next day to take the above photo - the felling area can be seen just to the left of the summit, and I assume will eventually clear all the mature trees. The notice advises the Red Route will be closed until the end of July, but, if you intend to visit, it may be worth checking the FC/Cademuir Forest website to see if there are any updates.