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pap of glencoe, the bump at the very end of a large massif ridge right over glencoe village. very characteristic point, but as this is just a small hill we kept postponing it forever... until the latest visit in glencoe when the conditions (snow) made climbing it worthwhile.
path starts on the minor road (the one going thru glencoe village) after about 5 mins drive we arrived to the small parking bay (tiny) opposite the large gate. checked on the map if we were in the right place but couldnt be sure.. but as we got off the car and checked the gate out we realised that it is actually signposted to pap of glencoe.
the path is very well defined, easy to follow and as we could see the pap at all times we had no problem with directions.
walking time 4-5hrs
views to loch leven - amazing
views towards pass of glencoe
path becoming a stream or maybe the stream becoming a path...
almost there!
starts snowing
sudden enlightment