free to be able to rate and comment on reports (as well as access 1:25000 mapping).
A good solo walk over one of the less-visited parts of the Lake District. I only met 1 fell runner and a couple during the whole eight hours that I was out (and none at all on the return through Nether Wasdale - although I did flush a couple of Snipe and a Woodcock). The bridleway (well marked on the OS 1:25,000 map) is very indistinct on the ground in places and much easier to loose than re-find, despite being very obvious near Harrow How. Some wet, rough ground will need to be negotiated on this route.
A real mix of weather was experienced on today's walk; snow, hail, rain, wind, thick mist and sunshine!
Since part of the purpose of the walk was to test out some new kit with a full pack it was definely mission accomplished! (Some of the new kit will stay at home in the future, some of the old kit will be binned, and one item needs to be added to the shopping list, but on the whole, the vast majority of the new kit performed excellently).
I returned to the car in bright sunshine and paid the customary visit to the Wasdale Head Inn (where else) before returning to my accommodation.
18 Kms (11 miles) 1185m ascent/descent (c. 4,000').