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Hi all,
I attempted to climb these 2 mountains on 12/07/15, but spent an hour wandering around the forest until I managed to find the described route. So I wanted to share my tips to help you avoid my frustrations.
The main track wanders up through the forest from Roxburgh.
There is a sharp right turn on the main track where you will see a post with green paint on the top.
DO NOT FOLLOW THE PATH AMRKED WITH THE GREEN POST, but stay on the main track and continue up a steep pull.
At the top of the steep pull you will come to the split in the track where you need to bear left.
Word of caution here that the beginning of the track off the the left is currently very overgrown and is easily missed.
The book advises that 200m after this look for a small cairn. It is 50m not 200m !
The cairn was not a cairn but a small circle of stones covered in grass. I therefore spent 20 minutes building it up to actually look like a cairn, and can no longer be missed.
The path heads up through the trees and looks like a tunnel, not a large firebreak as described.
Follow this until you come out of the forest where a stile greets you.
Then you can continue as descirbed in books / routes etc...
Hope this helps, and you enjoy my cairn building skills