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Meet The Humphreys.....Boot Camps latest recruits on a day out in the Kilpatrick Hills.
A circular, half-day tour of Marlyns (low rolling hills below 600m) in Scotland starting at Old Kilpatrick Railway Station, about 16.5km (roughly 10.3 miles) long and suitable for families with children, but unsuitable for prams/pushchairs, wheelchairs.
The Kilpatricks are a group of surprisingly remote, heather-clad hills and moorland which sit overlooking Dumbarton, considering they are only a few miles north west of Glasgow.
Their great asset, is that they are very accessible from the city, by bus or train, even on Sundays and are ideal for an afternoon or evening walk during the lighter nights and in the short winter days providing extensive views back along the Clyde to the city, but also across to the Campsie Fells and northwards towards the Arrochar Alps Trains run to Old Kilpatrick from Glasgow’s Central and Queen Street stations.
With this in mind we all duly met up at Old Kilpatrick Railway station and from there, headed along the road, under the A82 road bridge, past the Kilpatrick Gasworks and followed the broad track signposted “Loch Humphrey”.
Meet Fudge...... The Humphreys mascot

This section of The Humphrey path can be quite steep

We followed this excellent, well constructed path for about 3.1 km (roughly 1.9 miles) from 1 OS Grid: NS462758 to The Humphrey.
On reaching The Humphrey ..Bubba points the way to Duncolm.
Although it's just a small hillock, on a clear day the views to Loch Lomond, the gateway to the Highlands, opens up from the summit making an ideal spot to aim for and spend sometime having lunch whilst enjoying the 360 degree panorama, including Ben Lomond and Stob Binnein, after the short ascent to the top.
Bo does his usual 'clowning' about looking at the possibility for a bit of 'waterfall surfing' at The Humphrey reservoir.
After some 'fun and frollick' at the loch we continued on the track that skirts round it and then kept on this still obvious, but boggier, path that continues north east along a visible ridge that passes Fynloch Hill on your left and Little and Middle Duncolm on your right, heading for the furthest and highest mound, Duncolm, 1.9 km (roughly 1.2 miles) from 2 OS Grid: NS470775
Bo and Bubba continued to 'blaze the trail' on the way to the summit of Duncolm.
Whilst Patch and Ally went 'foraging' for 'edibles' from natures larder for the picnic at the top.
Fortunately for us, she decided that her find of 'wild blueberries' was so tasty that she ate them all herself and continued to show us how good they were
Now she just needs some 'Purple Rain' to wash them down with
Bo and Bubba, do the honours at the summit, as is tradition on any Boot Camp walk and crack open some 'Naughty and Nice' some fine ales with quirky names
Whilst the rest set up 'camp' ...Bubba goes fishing for lunch at the little lochan which is stocked full of tasty fish ...very handy when you've left your sandwich back at home on the kitchen table.

It was very relaxing being able to enjoy the views to the Erskine Bridge, Glasgow and beyond whilst 'fishing' for lunch.
It wasn't long before Bubba got his first 'bite'.
Catching some decent sized Lochan Humphrey..... Bubba quickly set about carving them up and cooking them on the open top flat-bed, a wee change from his usual Wheeltrim Bubba-Q and Ribeye steaks
After a good hot meal, Danny kicked off the traditional Boot Camp Big Mac dance on the Duncolm trig point
You can almost hear the 'sound of the pipes' as Danny does The Highlander followed by Bubba.
Patch quickly followed the 'Bird of Prey'
Bubba does the 'Praying Mantis'.... being old and grey these days he can only hold this 'pose' for about 2 seconds before crashing to the ground
Bezzer Billy does his Flash Stance lol
Bo did his ' Big Issue' look

Whilst Bubba welcomes Ally as the latest Boot Camp recruit and insists she joins the Boot Camp Hall of Fame by wearing 'The Big Mac' , one of our many traditions
After 'oor' excellent fish tea and 'summit selfies' we head on back down to The Humphrey led by Patch, the D.J. with her 'banging' choice of Classical F.M. tunes reverberating around the natural amphitheatre of Fynloch Hill and Little and Middle Duncolm

As usual The Three Amigos strike again

Watch this space for The Humphreys 'Burn yer Socks Ceremony' too follow shortly:-)

Another of the many traditions here at Boot Camp where we get the soggy socks off whilst warming our shrivelled tootsies around a blazing camp fire and burn them whilst singing Kumbhaya before putting on a fresh pair for the homeward journey