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I have a couple of weeks off before I start a new job so I was chuffed when Eric (electricfly) and his pack were up for joining me on a trip. Eric has done the Ring of Steall but his youngest Springer - Tarsuinn has not and he felt it be a good option considering the recent wet spells and I hadn't done it
We met at the car park at the far end of Glen Nevis at the back of ten and arranged gear and dogs and got going for 10.30. I must admit I was a little worried with my lack of fitness as I hadn't been out in around a month and in that time had eaten a whole heap of unhealthy food, but nothing like flinging yourself back in at the deep end. The walk up the gorge alongside the Water of Nevis was pleasant and the dogs were tearing about enjoying seeing eachother again.
- Eric Leading the way up the gorge
The erosion in the gorge is unbelievable, some massive boulders have come tumbling down there and you can see how one could become lost forever in any of the pockets of air below some of these. Soon we reached the wire bridge over the water of Nevis, we opted to cross it and the dogs enjoyed a swim in the water. It was fairly wobbly nearer the far side but no real problems, apart from the bloomin Midges which were attacking meaning you had to take one hand off the wire to swat them away off your eyes, mouth, ears etc
- Eric crossing the wire bridge, notice dogs below wondering where he's going and how they can follow
Once over we walked upstream and called the dogs over where they could cross as the bank was too steep for them to follow below the wire bridge although it didn't stop Tarsuinn trying as he got nearly half way up the rocks. We passed the wee bothy and then came across the beautiful Steall Waterfall, it was tricky to cross and care should be taken here as rocks were slippy and water fast.
- The Steall Falls
Once over this we came to the only boggy part of the day but we managed to hop over this and get on with the ascent.
- The Ben from the zig zags below An Gearanach
- Aonach Beag from same spot
Eric pointed out the route for the Aonachs for when I come to do these, it's good when you have a mate that's already done the hills you have to do

Ahead we could see two guys climbing up the zig zags.
I started to struggle with the ascent, I kinda knew this would happen, I took frequent rests, my dog Roy found some human excrement and tissue just at the side of the path and tried to pick up the tissue

, the smell was horrendous, we couldn't believe that someone would do this so close to the path, disgusting, Roy was called poo pace for the rest of the day. Once up I quickly touched the cairn of An Gearanach and we set off as two guys in front of us had stopped and we didn't want the dogs bothering them while they had lunch, plus Eric knew the route so thought it best we push to the next summit before we stopped, correct decision.
- The ridge ahead
- Eric heading to An Garbhanach after summiting An Gearanach
- By pass round the side of An Garbanach
We came to An Garbhanach and took the path to the left avoiding the tip of the ridge, the route ahead all the way round the Ring of Steall could be seen, it looked a long way but looked great.
- The route ahead with second Munro Stob Coire a'Chairn in foreground
- Looking right round the Ring to last Munro Sgurr a'Mhaim
- Looking back to An Gearanach from where we'd come
We pushed on to the second Munro and the two guys caught me on the ascent while I took a rest, I really felt I was struggling with the ascent but plodded on, soon I reached the summit which Eric had been joined on by the two guys. We all had a chat and then they took off while we ate some lunch.
- Kinlochleven below and the Big Buachaille centre of pic
- Bidean nam Bian in the distance
- Roy with the route ahead
- Eric, Alfie and Roy summit Stob Choire a'Chairn
- The Ben again
- The last Munro of the day Sgurr a'Mhaim and the Ben in the background
We set off and soon caught up with the two guys and overtook them prior to the ascent up to Am Bodach, I had taken 2 litres of water with me today and was getting through it quickly, I had also finished my bottle of Lucozade

a thirsty plodder today

The mist was coming and going and it got dark all of a sudden, the threat of rain was in the air and it spat drops for a minute but soon the clouds parted and I made the top of the third Munro, having been overtaken by the two guys again, while Eric was ahead by a fair bit. We all sat at the top and spoke, they are about six weeks back from a trip in the Alps where they climbed Mont Blanc and also went to Italy to climb Grand Paradiso, wow, they hope to go to the Atlas Mountains next, all the best.
- All the mutts on Am Bodach summit
- Looking back along the Ring of Steall with the first Munro An Gearanach far left
This was the last we saw of them as Eric upped the pace. Next we came across the small top of Sgurr an Lubhair and we met a couple there that were basking in the now lovely sunshine, we had a quick stop and continued over to the Devils ridge and negotiated this neatly, we used the path to the left or West of the ridge.
- Approaching the Devils Ridge
- The tough step on the Devils Ridge
- Looking back to the two fellas we spoke to throughout the day
All that was left was the steep ascent to the highest Mountain of the day, Eric ahead shouted back to encourage me on and soon I staggered to the top to be greeted by his mutts and a guy and his dad. They kindly took our photo and we had a wee stop before the descent down the scree towards Glen Nevis.
- The Usual Suspects line up on Sgurr a'Mhaim
We passed a few people coming up with huge packs, I reckon they were wild camping out on the ridge as they had tents etc in the packs.
- The route back into Glen Nevis, we'd have to follow the road back right along to the car park at the end
We soon reached the foot of the hill after a few stops to rest my knees and we hit the road for the trek back to the car park, we let the dogs have a wee dook in the river a couple of times and made the cars at 18.24, a little under 8 hours for the day and what a day it had been, no ill effects today so hopefully out tomoz too