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After such a gloomy start to 2016, it was good to get a bright day for my first walk.
I have seen the Fife Lomonds many times from other hills, but had never walked them. After a few weeks of inactivity, this was a good opportunity to have a short day on these distinctive hills.
The drive over to Fife took longer than planned due to commuter traffic (but I consoled myself with the thought that all of the other drivers were going to work and I was off to the hills!), but I arrived at the car park between the two hills around quarter to ten after an icy drive up the minor road from Falkland.On my way around 10.
The ground was frozen hard, so it was easier to walk along the side of the track, and it was a very pleasant walk along to my first hill - West Lomond.
- On the approach to West Lomond
Lovely to walk towards the hill in the winter sunshine and I stopped at the base of the summit cone for a cup of tea before climbing to the top.
Extensive views at the trig point although the clarity of the air was diminishing as high cloud began to move in from the south west.
- West Lomond trig point looking towards East Lomond
- Ballo Reservoir and East Lomond
Dropped down to the track and started to make my way back to the car park and from there up East Lomond.
- On the way to East Lomond
It is a much shorter walk to East Lomond from the car park. Unfortunately by now it was getting quite cloudy, although it remained dry throughout the walk. A short, sharp ascent to the summit, where you can look back on the ground covered.
- West Lomond from the summit of East Lomond
- West Lomond and the Ochils behind
After that, it was just a short walk back to the car and a slippy drive down to Glenrothes and form there, home.
- Heading back to the car
A very enjoyable short day out, although the driving rain on the journey home was in sharp contrast to the glorious conditions earlier.