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100 th Munro - through the clouds to An Teallach

100 th Munro - through the clouds to An Teallach

Postby Knuttus » Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:08 pm

Route description: An Teallach, Dundonnell

Munros included on this walk: Bidein a' Ghlas Thuill (An Teallach), Sgùrr Fiona (An Teallach)

Date walked: 18/03/2016

Time taken: 8 hours

Distance: 25 km

Ascent: 1500m

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It was a cloudy day at the start but now rain.

01 Start at Dundonnell carpark next to the mountain rescue.JPG

soon I past the clouds

02 walking up.JPG

At the Top and above the clouds at the top and I make the 100 full. :D
03 me at Munro 100 th - Bidein a' Chlas Thuill (An Teallach.JPG

04 Gles Mheall Liath.JPG

05 The Top - Sgurr Fiona.JPG

The way up to Sgurr Fiona was very icy so I need the crampsons and the iceaxt for geeting up.
06 Sgurr Fiona - very iceing.JPG

07 The top of Sgurr Fiona.JPG

08 Loard Berkele Seat.JPG

09 Fisherfields.JPG

10 the Path.JPG

the only problem was snow no snow snow no snow and again and again
to i make a detour down to Loch nan Sealga and Shanvall Bothy because I was there two years ago in May 2014 that time I walked the Scotish National Trail in 27 days from Kirk Yetholm (Boders) to Cape Warth.

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Re: 100 th Munro - through the clouds to An Teallach

Postby Alteknacker » Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:01 pm

A fine mountain to do in such excellent weather.

Know what you mean about mixed conditions - crampons on, crampons off, crampons on....... But a small price to pay for the experience, no..???
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Re: 100 th Munro - through the clouds to An Teallach

Postby Riverman » Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:54 pm

Congrats on the hundred. What a great mountain for it! Looks like you had a fine day.
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