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Not much to say about this walk apart from 2 Munros bagged in under 1.5hrs! Easiest one's i've completed so far. Nice to get the bagging tally up without really trying, although i do feel like i've cheated myself!
You park half way up them for starters at Glenshee Ski centre, which is blatently cheating but what the hell. Pretty ugly ascent weaving in and out of Ski lifts but still enjoyable. I was in the Cairngorms after all so it can't be that ugly can it!
- Carn Asda lol
Reached the top of Carn Asda as i like to call it in 30mins. Saw loads of Hares! Nice day as well. Good view of the Ski runs on Glas Maol which i hope to return to experience with a snowboard over Christmas!
- Heading up The Cairnwell
Doubled back slighly to head up the Cairnwell. Now that does have an ugly summit. And the buildings make some creepy noises from the electronic masts which is a bit eerie!
- Butt Ugly Summit
Thought i would save myself for the 4 Glas Maol Munros tomorrow so headed back down a Ski run to the car park rather than retrace mysteps back down to track! Didn't save much time but on the spirit of cheating i thought why not!