by jim hutcheson » Sat May 07, 2016 8:43 am
Date walked: 06/05/2016
Time taken: 5.3 hours
Distance: 18 km
Ascent: 950m
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Cnoc Coinnich was the final big hill I had to do in the Arrochar area, and with a favourable forecast decided to get out on the Friday. Left a bit later to miss the rush hour traffic, so had a relaxed drive to Ardgarten for 10.30.Took a left turn from the car park onto the Cowal Way route and kept to the tarmac track which gave me nice views along Loch Long, you can drive along this track to another car-park about a mile further, but I was enjoying stretching the legs. Eventually came out into an open area, where I took a sharp right, no worries on getting lost, just follow the Cowal Way signs, started to gradually climb and the Brack is noticeable straight ahead, looked inviting. You have to cross a couple of small bridges further up and then skirt round the edge of a section of forestry and eventually reach open ground , you can see Cnoc Coinnich to your left by this point, I followed the Cowal Way signposts over a soggy stretch of ground, wasn't too bad, however could be interesting in wet conditions.At the top of the col, there's an obvious ridge which you just follow and eventually reach the summit of Cnoc Coinnich, the views all around were stunning.
I had done the Brack last year, but didn't get a view as the conditions were damp that day, so took the chance to include this hill on my route. Just made my way back down to the col, and made for the fence, hidden behind a small rise is a gate, and I then took a route round the crags, passed a small lochan and made my way to the left of the summit, up the grassy slopes till I reached the top.
Hadn't realised how wet the path was coming off the Brack, and there's a couple of interesting sections just before the small lochan near the summit , however you get off the height quickly and just stay to the left of the burn until you come to a section where you cross over and make for the forestry ,they have cleared some tree's at this part, so you have a relatively easy route down . Then just follow the Forestry Commision path back to Ardgarten.
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