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The middle weekend of May has found Ken and me in deep snow on Braeriach, baked in Glen Shee and near route- marched up Beinn Dearg, but this year has to be one of the best with a late call to head west to tackle the eastern Mamore outliers. Unfinished business from a difficult winter trip a few years previously. 9am at Kinlochleven, midge free still, and the familiar feeling of being lost in the community woodlands again... eventually finding the Loch Eilde path..and climbing up away from the valley.
- Loch Leven
Nice views over to Beinn a'Bheithir
- Ballachulish hills
Being responsible types we had all the gear, but shed the axes once we could see Sgurr Eilde Mor was free of any bother. The stalkers paths made for lovely walking at human gradients snaking round the side of Coire a'Bhinnein, and we were at Binnein Beag's gorgeous lochan in 3 hours.
Dumping the bags made for a slightly easier clamber up the rocky pyramid of Binnein Beag
- Ken climbing Binnein Beag
and we were rewarded with stunning views from Ben Alder to Ben More and out west to uncountable hills.
- Schiehallion
- Buachallie and Etive Hills
- towards Loch Arkaig
- Summit of Binnein Beag with Ben Nevis
Sometimes out and back walks might be considered dull, but this one repays with views as good on way out if not better than the way in. We were feeling rather proud of our 50-something achievements but then met folk training for the Ramsay round who had managed to climb more Munros before breakfast than we had done so far in the day..
It was nice amble back wondering who was going to broach the psychological barrier of tackling Sgurr Eilde Mor after already doing 1300m of ascent. Finally back at the bealach it was irresistible, luring us across the dried bog and up the scree.
- Sgurr Eilde Mor
Frankly it wasnt quite as painful as Binnein Beag
- way up to Sgurr Eilde Mor
and i popped out at the top in a near heart-stopping view onto a knife-edge ridge nearly heading on down the other side
- Ken on the northeast ridge of Sgurr Eilde Mor
another half hour relaxing, taking photos and marvelling at the landscape sculpted by fire and ice
- Summit of Sgurr Eilde Mor looking to Binnein Mor and Binnein Beag
Now the way down the scree wouldnt be pretty in poor visibility - getting that right turn before oblivion. Back at the bealach retrieved the axes and headed for the long walk out,
- the long way home
made more beautiful by the sun coming round onto Loch Leven.
- Loch Leven from the Loch Eilde Mor path
We were able to sit in shorts outside the Tailrace, which must be about the only weekend that is possible. not a midge to be seen. and still the pleasure of the incomparable A82 ticking off familiar hills on the way back to urbanisation.
Days come and days go in life, but the memory of mountain days like this are the ones that I know will sustain me in years to come - perhaps this is the best life insurance there is..