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I had only time for a short morning so I parked the car at the Cnoc Fyrish car park (very muddy) and set off through the woods on forest tracks to reach the open moorland and my first sight of the hill.
- Approaching Cnoc Ceislein
The forest rack I had intended to take was completely blocked by fallen trees so I had to on the 'loop' track starting at 607706.
- Looking north to Beinn Tharsuinn
I made the mistake of trying to take a 'shortcut' by leaving the track and heading straight for the bottom of the hill - but this took me across energy sapping bog so on the way back I just kept to the tracks! Even the slopes of the hill were very wet and awkward with lots of bog cotton, heather and tussocks but the summit was soon reached and the views enjoyed.
- Looking back to Cnoc Fyrish and the Cromarty Firth
- On the summit looking over to Ben Wyvis
I modified my descent by walking down beside a line of grouse butts where the ground was a bit drier and firmer. Reaching the tracks, I just retraced my outward route through the woods to get back to the car in time for lunch.