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Cnoc Coinnich

Cnoc Coinnich

Postby colinwatson » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:39 pm

Corbetts included on this walk: Cnoc Coinnich

Date walked: 05/07/2016

Time taken: 5 hours

Distance: 18 km

Ascent: 1000m

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I thought I would like to climb Cnoc Coinnich after its recent transfer from Graham to Corbett, although I had climbed this hill in the winter of 2012.

Rather than drive to the Coilessan car park, I decided to start the walk at Ardgarten, thus making it more of a day. There had been quite a lot of sunshine on the drive up, but as soon as I parked the car, the first sharp shower of the day arrived! Undeterred, I set off along the quiet road. I know this area well from having run a number of D of E expeditions here, so it was pleasant today to be walking with just a small rucksack. No vehicles passed me on the road, although there were some military trucks at the car park.

The track up Coilessan glen was more eroded than on my last visit, but the rain was off and the tops were now clear.

2016-07-05 09.39.52 (640x428).jpg
The Brack from Coilessan Glen

Stopped for some food at the end of the track before the footpath climbed up to the bealach with The Brack. I always enjoy the view of the Lochgoilhead hills from this bealach, but when I got there today, there was some wet weather approaching.

2016-07-05 10.40.33 (640x428).jpg
The Brack from the bealach

2016-07-05 10.40.39 (640x428).jpg
Cnoc Coinnich from the bealach

2016-07-05 10.40.49 (640x428).jpg
Wet weather approaching!

Last time, I took quite a direct route from the bealach, but today I decided to head round to the north west ridge, over the usual boggy ground. On the way up the ridge, the views to Ben Lomond were impressive.

2016-07-05 11.20.17 (640x428).jpg
Ben Lomond from the north west ridge

2016-07-05 11.20.29 (640x428).jpg
The Brack from near the summit

Unfortunately, just before I arrived at the top, the weather closed in again.

2016-07-05 11.34.23 (640x428).jpg
No views at the top!

Despite the hill's recent promotion, it was still quite quiet - just one pair of walkers a little ahead of me.

I waited at the summit for a while in the hope that conditions would improve, but to no avail, so I set off back by the same route.

2016-07-05 12.31.55 (640x428).jpg
The Lochgoilhead hills from the bealach

The weather dried up for the descent and it was pleasant to walk back to the car in sunshine.

On balance, I preferred this hill when it was a Graham - the view was better!!
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