
Share your personal walking route experiences in Scotland, and comment on other peoples' reports.
Warning Please note that hillwalking when there is snow lying requires an ice-axe, crampons and the knowledge, experience and skill to use them correctly. Summer routes may not be viable or appropriate in winter. See winter information on our skills and safety pages for more information.



Postby Soozy » Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:37 am

Route description: Tinto from the north

Fionas included on this walk: Tinto

Donalds included on this walk: Tinto

Date walked: 27/09/2016

Time taken: 3.5 hours

Distance: 7 km

Ascent: 486m

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A really pleasant hill to climb. Especially for people just starting out or for the very unfit amongst us (myself!). A few boggy patches at the very start before the real ascent starts but very clear path and great views from the top.

As soon as we got to the top though the heavens opened and the cloud came down so only 5mins to appreciate the view!
Posts: 1
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Fionas:2   Donalds:1
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Joined: May 6, 2016

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