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Parked up at the Creag Meagaidh Nature reserve car park at 10pm. Usual routine of back seats down, sleeping mat and sleeping bag laid out with my Kindle books keeping me going until sleep. It was a very still, clear night and the stars were amazing to see.
I woke at 6am with engine noise from a nearby camper van. I assume they were using the engine to get extra heat. As I discovered, it had been a pretty cold night, I crawled out of my sleeping bag to find the car windows around me covered in ice and frost.
Having forced myself out of the warm sleeping bag, I was ready and walking by 7:30am.
Starting from the Creag Meagaidh Nature Reserve car park
The reserve buildings and facilities
A cold frosty morning
Sun rising over a misty Loch Laggan
A small cairn marks the 'path' ascending Na Cnapanan
Gaining height, looking back down on Loch Laggan
Eventually the 'Window' comes into view, giving a look at what will be todays final descent
Carn Laith summit cairn
Summit view to the days next targets, Creag Meagaidh in the center and Stob Poite Coire Ardair center right
View across Loch Laggan
Another view to Creag Meagaidh
Looking back to Carn Laith from Uinneag Coire a' Chaorainn
Stob Poite Core Ardair
Following the ridge from Coire a' Chriochairein
Carn Laith looking a long way back
The cliffs of Creag Meagaidh
Nearing the summit of Stob Poite Coire Ardair
Second summit of the day ... SPCA
Heading up Creag Meagaidh, 'Mad Megs' cairn is leading the way
Mad Meg's cairn, apparently an 18th Centuary suicide burial mound
Creag Meagaidh summit cairn
Summit views ...

Retracing my steps back past Mad Meg's cairn, its time to descend through the 'Window'
I managed to lose the path, but the boulder clambering was fun
Once through I found great views to the lochan and the path appeared again on my left
Looking back up at the Window
Lochan a' Choire
The walk back had some great scenery with native species in the Reserve
Last view back to Creag Meagaidh
Creag Meagaidh Photo Album