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"Choose wisely my son choose wisely"
It was beinn mhanach or back to Kinlochleven.
I think I made the right choice today.
Left at 5 and parked up by the car park at the church. Was walking by 7.
Had only done binnein mor and na gruagaichean a few days earlier so I could get a shift on up to the lochan.
Had a look back when clear of the woods and all glencoe summits covered in snow. I was expecting it later today but not last night.
Fantastic views.
Reached the stream although it was like a raging river!! Messed about up and down trying to get an easier place to cross. Went for it over a couple of boulders. Feet shipped, I went down and in. Soaked!! Though for a brief second about sacking it and then had a good word with myself about why I was doing this today. Jacket and gloves went on and so did I.
Reached the lochan and what a sight sgurr eilde mor was. Just a big snow pyramid- awesome. Down to the junction and headed round to the next wee lochan at the bottom of binnein beag.
Little bits of a path through the boulders, snow and scree showed through and it wasn't long till I was up at the shelter and cairn.
Views all round were amazing. The Ben looked so close and majestic. Quick coffee, flag picture then it was down and round again to the junction where I headed up left to the wee cairn atop sgurr eilde mor.
The scree wasn't too bad as it was frozen together mostly. Made my own path up as the snow was covering everything.
Turned left and reached the summit. 2 wee cairns. Cloud was coming and going and it got a little colder up here. Nice views back to where I'd just been and down to the reservoir.
Back down it was, sliding!! And glad I had a pole with me to stop myself.
Onto the stalkers path again where it snowed a little, but this turned to a light rain drizzle the further I descended.
I kept thinking- I've got to get back over that stream again!!
After much pfaffing around I eventually got across dry about 100 metres upstream.
Back down to the carpark at just after 3, changed, money in the parking honesty box and another coffee.
Met another lad who was soaked wet through as well. He had just done Binnien mor and Na gruagaichean-and he went in the stream as well
Brilliant views, great day, today was what it's all about.
Cap doffed to Binnien beag and sgurr eilde mor