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A trio in the clag and snow

A trio in the clag and snow

Postby rockhopper » Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:42 am

Donalds included on this walk: Erie Hill , Garelet Dod, Whitehope Heights

Date walked: 05/02/2017

Time taken: 5.75 hours

Distance: 16.5 km

Ascent: 860m

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Another lazy option – forecast was good late on Saturday night but had worsened significantly by the Sunday morning unfortunately. Raining on leaving the house – then snowing on the M74 which was lying after leaving the motorway.

Had three Donalds outstanding in the north Moffat area – normal option would be two separate walks but looked as though joining them up would make a reasonable walk. Considered lengthening it out to include Hart Fell but given the weather soon ditched that idea.

Not auguring well for the walk ahead


Along the potholed single track along the side of the reservoir and parked in the wee car park just before the houses at Fruid. Waited until the rain/snow abated then set off in full waterproofs – first time they’d been required in a long time.

Fruid activelog 5feb2017.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

Straight up Capilus Hill from the car park


Then head up Erie Hill


Into the clag and no view at the top


Had thought about the 2km there and back for the New Donald, Lairds Cleuch Rig but couldn’t see anything in the clag so decided against it.

Then off south over Common Law to Garelet Dod – wandered around trying to find a cairn but none to be seen


South over Din Law which had been added previously when on Hart Fell before dropping down to the upper reaches of Fruid Water



Spent a few minutes finding a suitable place to cross


Birk Craigs and co in the distant gloom


Contoured round the north side of Ask law, crossed Black Cleuch then SW towards Whitehope Knowe and up to Whitehope Heights. Followed a fence to near the top – crossed it then discovered a deer fence between me and the summit cairn. Found a style but someone had cut off the steps. Found a gate a little further down but it was padlocked. Could hear voices in the distance but couldn’t see anyone.


No option but to climb the deer fence to get to the cairn


Back over the deer fence when a couple of walkers loomed into view – they were aiming for Hart Fell. Explained about the style and gate and left them removing their rucksacks to climb the fence as well.

Retraced my steps to the NW of Hart Fell – spotted some blue sky !


Then north over Summerside Knowe and Birk Craigs before dropping down to the reservoir from Big Knock




Back at the car around 2pm - needless to say the skies brightened and the sun came out just at that point




Very little sign of snow on the roads on the way home – the sun was out for most of the way home.
Last edited by rockhopper on Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A trio in the clag and snow

Postby Fife Flyer » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:36 pm

Sods law with the timing, I think we have all had the same weather improving just as we are finishing.

Interesting conditions, the snow really appears to be very random. Cracking photo's as always.

Had a look back to see when I did 'bits' of the same walk and it was only a few months ago. The odd thing with the Donalds is how every one of us seems to group them differently, I am sure if I had sat down at the start and planned it things may have been so much easier!!!
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Re: A trio in the clag and snow

Postby litljortindan » Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:37 pm

Turned out not too bad then after the gloomy morning. Still wouldn't persuade me to return to generally heading off forecast regardless!
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