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Another rare and priceless day on the hills.
This was a hard slog for me today but i was determined to do it, which i did!
I was expecting it to take me 12 hours so was surprised when it only took me 10hrs and 25mins.
I done the route clockwise
I did park at the Polldubh falls car park rather than the end one suggested on the WH. I did not fancy that long walk back to the car park once i got down and i was definitely thankful for that at the end. I did think i would have got a lift in the morning (by some fellow walkers) to the end car park but alas this was not to be

If i had, this route would have only taken me just over 9 and a half hours, i reckon.
Absolutely brilliant day
Was rather disappointed in Devil's ridge ! was expecting a little more . I would say the descent off An Garbhanach was the most technical/scarey section of the day. Where my poles were packed away and gloves were put on for a fun bit of scrambling.
Route attached: I have absolutely no idea why the route seems to jut out and take a complete detour to the north! i have no recollection of this and cannot think why it is there?? i definitely did not go down An Bodach to then go back up again , if i had had to i reckon i would have said games a bogey
Met Sophie and Jamie from the hostel as they were coming down An Bodach and i was going up

(lovely couple from Durham...i think)