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Newtonmore menage a' trois.

Newtonmore menage a' trois.

Postby mamoset » Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:00 am

Route description: Monadh Liath Munros: Càrn Dearg, Càrn Sgulain & A' Chailleach

Munros included on this walk: A' Chailleach (Monadhliath), Càrn Dearg (Monadhliath), Càrn Sgulain

Date walked: 18/04/2017

Time taken: 6 hours

Distance: 25 km

Ascent: 1000m

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Having read a few TR's and WH's own route description, Tuesday seemed the ideal day to tackle these three Munro's above Newtonmore. A hard frost was forecast Monday night, and driving North, the average temperature was showing @ -3 :shock: This proved to be a wise choice, as the mossy, boggy ground predicted around this walk, rarely showed, due to being quite frozen. In fact, the worst stretch was along Allt a' Chaorainn prior to the hard path starting on the descent :clap: I followed the WH route, not needing the fence line across the tops, but can see it would be invaluable in bad weather. One downside, my telephoto lens packed up on me near the start of the walk, so most of my pics are with a 10-20mm wide angle lens :? :lol:
Glen Banchor.
Carn an Leth-Choin at head of Glen Banchor.
Heading up Allt Fionndrigh.
First view of Carn Dearg.
Obligatory footbridge shot!!!
Carn Dearg.
Gleann Ballach.
Carn Dearg summit.
Gleann Ballach looking more like the Flow Country.
Looking toward Ben Alder range.
The way ahead, A' Chailleach on the right.
Lochan Uisge.
Carn Sgulain to A' Chailleach.
Carn Sgulain summit.
A' Chailleach to Carn Dearg.
A' Chailleach summit.
Descent route.
Looking back to the rocky front of A' Chailleach.

This is a fairly featureless walk, but frequent encounters with Red Deer, hares, Ptarmigan & Golden Plovers made it more enjoyable. Shame about the camera, and even bigger shame about the numerous windmills that are appearing all over the Monadhliaths. :(
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