by Christie22 » Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:20 pm
Date walked: 03/06/2017
Time taken: 7 hours
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Just me and biked it to and from Derry Lodge. High cloud and warm sunshine. Very lucky to avoid almost all of the brief heavy showers. Even luckier that there had been a long period of dry weather so the 3 miles between the two summits were nothing like as boggy as expected. The drop down into the top of Glen Lui was also easier that I had imagined. Great views all round to all of the surrounding major hills and beyond. Managed to get a great photo of a dotterel which I only noticed during a 'rest stop'. Linn of Dee car park was massively busy but, after Derry Lodge, I only saw one other person all day until about an hour out from DL on the return when lots of small groups of kids were heading up the hill (Duke of Edinburgh?). Aberdeen Mountain Rescue out in force - looked like charity fund raiser. No sign of midges, which was a relief given how bad the LoD car park can be!