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The Monadhliath trio

The Monadhliath trio

Postby Coop » Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:52 pm

Route description: Monadh Liath Munros: Càrn Dearg, Càrn Sgulain & A' Chailleach

Munros included on this walk: A' Chailleach (Monadhliath), Càrn Dearg (Monadhliath), Càrn Sgulain

Date walked: 18/07/2017

Time taken: 7.66 hours

Distance: 24.5 km

Ascent: 946m

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Monday was dry and the weather for today was to be clear; dry and sunny so I chose the Monadhliath I had read about the peat hags and thought they might be dried up a bit- and they were - a wee bit. Parked up and set off down and over the bridge . Good track / path all the way to the cut off point where the other bridge crosses the stream. Once up this path and round a bit, it soon peters out a bit but carn dearg is in view- as are all the peat hags guarding it. A case really of how far you want to go past them- keeping as high as you can- before turning and contouring round and up to the summit of Carn Dearg.
Hares and ptarmigan aplenty and I've never seen so many frogs on a hill. They were everwhere as well.

Great views all round from here. I could see straight across to Carn Sgulain ( or what I thought was carn sgulain) from here. Off down and I passed the couple I'd passed earlier again.
A fence line is picked up from here and it leads all the way to summit No2. Past the wee lochan and onwards. Not much to speak off. Typical plateau in this area. I was about halfway round when I realised that what I was looking at earlier was in fact A' Challieach.
There's a wee cairn which marks the turn off up to Carn Sgulain. Bit of a boggy section to go through but again it was fairly dry. Up to the 1st cairn and onto the 2nd one where I had a wee break. Not much to look at from up here. Emptiness one way and 2 hideous windfarms in the other direction.
I went back to the beallach/ turn off point and headed for A' Challieach. It's a case here of heading slightly right and getting through more peat hags xnd bogs to where you start going down to the stream and then up steeply to the summit. The wind had picked up but it was getting hotter and another wee break at the summit shelter was called for. Nice cairn and shelter.
Headed down and I actually enjoyed the descent down and I detoured slightly right and visited the wee hut. Went in and signed the book then headed down and found a place to cross the stream over some boulders. Good walk back down to the car park.

long day, tiring, sore feet today and knackered.
Enjoyed the change of socks back at the car.

Cap doffed to the trio
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