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The Brack and Cnoc Coinnich

The Brack and Cnoc Coinnich

Postby Coop » Sun Nov 19, 2017 6:21 pm

Route description: The Brack and Cnoc Còinnich , Ardgartan

Corbetts included on this walk: Cnoc Coinnich, The Brack

Date walked: 19/11/2017

Time taken: 5.5 hours

Distance: 15.5 km

Ascent: 1086m

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You get lulled walking along that great track, then it hits you. A steep boggy climb up. Wakes you up.
Good path on up to the wee lochan ( icy in places and care taken)
Looked up a couple of times to see if there was a way through elephant gully- not that I was going that way !!
Great views all round and one great shot of ime the cobbler and narnain.
Another wee steep bit up to the trig with great views all round. Used the compass to make sure I was going to head to the right hill next.
Down and round through some more crags . There a faint path most of the way round to where it joins the Cowal way. (Post with a Cairn).
It's a case then of following the white posts along an extremely boggy path( glad it was a bit frozen) until you decide to head up and round where there's a craggy section on your left.
Choc Coinnich comes into view and a wee steep hilly bit before the summit is reached . Some great views all round the lochs.
To one of the lads I met on top - good luck with the Grahams now
And to the other - good luck on your Munro journey.
And so back down and join the Cowal way again all the way down to the loch. Good walk out and a busy section with quite a few just out for a quick walk along the path/ road from the car park.
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