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Steel Fell, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott, Helm Crag

Steel Fell, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott, Helm Crag

Postby A Drunken Taffer » Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:35 pm

Wainwrights included on this walk: Calf Crag, Gibson Knott, Helm Crag, Steel Fell

Date walked: 08/01/2018

Time taken: 3.5

Distance: 13 km

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Steel Fell, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott, Helm Crag

The first hike of the new year took me to the central fells. I parked on the road leading into Grasmere and walked back up towards the Travellers Rest before cutting through the fields and off toward the fells.


I walked up along the road before entering the fells proper. I then began the climb up to the summit of Steel Fell. Conditons were good, cold but clear.


I followed the fell side above the valley before arriving at Calf Crag. From here I wandered along to Gibson Knott and then Helm Crag.



I stopped to have a good look at the lion and the lamb; light was fading so I decided against scaling them...


I walked back a short way toward Gibson Knott before following the winding path down into the valley; where it connected back to the road, and back to the car.

Lovely walk to start the new year. Looking forward and hoping to complete many more this year.

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A Drunken Taffer
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