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...And a bike! I’ve been keen to do the 9 Fannichs in a day for a while and with a great forecast I decided to go for it this weekend. I was going by myself so the approach from the South using my bike was the best option and it was also a slightly shorter drive.
I started from Grudie and cycled in along the track until about 1km before Fannich Lodge where I left my bike. I had a false start since my contact lens was playing up so I had to go back to the car to fix it but luckily I was probably less than 1km along the track (made sure I had my glasses in case I needed them on the hill!). It was thick mist on the cycle up but I was hopeful I would break through the cloud once on the hill. As I was climbing, the sun came out and there was a cloud inversion with just the tops of the hills peaking through, always a magical scene
I was on the first Munro by about 9am, it was a bit breezy but I would have the wind to my back most of the day and it was fine in the shelter with the sun. I had my shorts on all day but unfortunately just as I was leaving the summit, I stumbled on a loose rock and skinned my knee – typical on one of the few days it’s shorts weather!
I started to meet a few folk on the way to Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich, there were quite a few people out enjoying the fine weather and taking the chance to do these hills bog free. The cliffs on Sgurr nan Clach Geala looked incredible, I can’t believe I did this one a few year back when there was snow (just as well it was misty I think

I left my rucksack to do an out and back for Beinn Liath Mhor Fannaich and Meall a’Chrasgaidh, great to be able to head up and down without carrying my rucksack. It was great walking over the ridges and the views to An Teallach, Fisherfields and Assynt were stunning.
I had decided I would aim for the 7 Munros and see how things were going before deciding whether to do the last 2. With the settled weather and plenty of daylight left I decided to go for the 9. It was a fair drop and re-ascent but I just took it steady and it wasn’t too long in reaching Munro number 8 which was the most Munros I’ve done in a day. A’ Chailleach was a fitting finale for the day with great views of Slioch, the Fisherfields and An Teallach in the afternoon sunshine.
I dropped down from the beallach towards the nest of Fannich, I was glad it was dry since it was quite steep and the grass would be slippery in the wet. Eventually I picked up the path and went past the old bothy – there were at least 3 dead deer inside, maybe from the long winter?
The walk out along the loch was great in the evening sunshine although it did seem to take a bit longer than expected after a long day on the hills. Eventually I reached my bike and it was fantastic to cycle out mostly downhill to the car park.
A very memorable day in the hills for me with weather that couldn’t have been better.