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Up and down Broad Law

Up and down Broad Law

Postby Baucott91 » Wed May 30, 2018 3:21 pm

Route description: Broad Law, Cramalt Craig and Dollar Law

Corbetts included on this walk: Broad Law

Donalds included on this walk: Broad Law

Date walked: 28/05/2018

Time taken: 2.5 hours

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Just did the quick up and down as described in first few steps of the walk but was a really enjoyable walk after a weekend of over indulging.

Gorgeous weather. A few squishy bits underfoot - fine for boots and a couple of our party managed in just trainers (though I wouldn't recommend it). I can imagine is very wet under other circumstances.

Deviated from following the fence line to touch the few cairns dotted around.

First steep climb straight from the car was probably the hardest part of the walk but got us warmed up nicely.

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