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Weather was sunny and warm and I had a day to myself, I have not been walking recently so wanted something near and relatively easy.
Duncolm fitted the bill.
Followed the WH route
Set off down the M8 and across the Erskine bridge and parked at the free car park in Old Kilpatrick.
Followed the path under the Erskine Bridge getting a sense of the size of the. structure then followed the path sign posted Kilpatrick Hills.
Soon you are walking uphill with great views of the Clyde, Erskine Bridge and eventually Dumbarton rock on your left

as you carryon up the path you reach loch Humphrey.
The path becomes less clear but in good visibility Duncolm is in sight.
The views from Duncolm to Ben Lomand are beautiful
carrying on from Duncolm in a southerly direction will get you to the slacks. Here the views of Glasgow are extensive and from here the path to the car is easily picked up.
I met a few folk dog walking at loch Humphrey but thereafter met a couple of people.
A good walk for a short Day