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Swirl How ,Lakes

Swirl How ,Lakes

Postby tango » Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:26 am

Wainwrights included on this walk: Grey Friar, Harter Fell (Southern Fells), Swirl How, Wetherlam

Hewitts included on this walk: Black Sails, Grey Friar, Harter Fell (Southern Fells), Swirl How, Wetherlam

Date walked: 20/11/2010

Time taken: 8.75

Distance: 27 km

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Started at 0800 hours at the car park grid 289970,left the camper van followed the road down hill to Scrow beck used the footpath & headed northish to grid 293985,followed the paths pasted the old mines,onto Red dill a steep climb up to Lower Hows,quick breather. Then onto Wetherlams summit,Black Sails,Swirl How,then onto Grey Friars for lunch & a quick phone call!! headed down to Dale farm through the boulder fields & snow, onto the metalled road followed that south to the car park at grid 235996,jumped onto the forestry tracks & signs up onto Harter Fell, another steep climb!!! that path is a killer!! :shock: .another break needed it!, south west off Harter fell down to the forest, Grassguard,Fickle crag across the river via some rather wet & slippery stepping stones!!, footpath to the Walna scar road up & over back to the van. finished at 1645 hours, Going- good views all day a few steep climbs,my walking buds were the mutts Riffs,Ludo & Tic Tac.

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Last edited by tango on Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Swirl How ,Lakes

Postby susanmyatt » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:08 am

Thats a good walk Tango, our gang stay at The Birks, you passed it as you left Harter Fell, if you search my posts you will be able to see the weekend we were snowed in :shock:
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Re: Swirl How ,Lakes

Postby tango » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:04 pm

Cheers Susan, i did see some sort of farm house before my steep ascent of Harter fell, ill have a look at your reports when i get back from my run! cheers

Re: Swirl How ,Lakes

Postby 37lumleyst » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:50 pm

Ive never walked in the S/W corner of the Lakes, not really sure why - probarbly as a younger lad I would always head for the Borrowdale area amd the higher peaks. having said that, now I'm older and have a young family I might be tempted by the lower fells for sumer walks with the family :?

Its always a dilema when you have a bit of free time - spend it scrambling around yourself or strolling with the kids
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