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Started at 0800 hours at the car park grid 289970,left the camper van followed the road down hill to Scrow beck used the footpath & headed northish to grid 293985,followed the paths pasted the old mines,onto Red dill a steep climb up to Lower Hows,quick breather. Then onto Wetherlams summit,Black Sails,Swirl How,then onto Grey Friars for lunch & a quick phone call!! headed down to Dale farm through the boulder fields & snow, onto the metalled road followed that south to the car park at grid 235996,jumped onto the forestry tracks & signs up onto Harter Fell, another steep climb!!! that path is a killer!!
.another break needed it!, south west off Harter fell down to the forest, Grassguard,Fickle crag across the river via some rather wet & slippery stepping stones!!, footpath to the Walna scar road up & over back to the van. finished at 1645 hours, Going- good views all day a few steep climbs,my walking buds were the mutts Riffs,Ludo & Tic Tac.
Last edited by tango on Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.