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Postby Coop » Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:48 am

Corbetts included on this walk: Canisp

Date walked: 24/09/2018

Time taken: 4.2 hours

Distance: 12 km

Ascent: 710m

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After 3 days up north taking in, Sgurr breac, A' chailleach, Ben Klibreck, Ben Hope, Conival And Ben More it was time to head back to the Sitay
But not before I had one more walk.
I had planned on Ben Wyvis but after driving up here and seeing all the smaller Corbetts and Grahams- the names that stick out in all the books - the names that racehorses are named after.
Well Ben Wyvis could wait- I'll go up another day when I have more time and include wee Wyvis in as well.

Canisp was calling- wasn't looking good all the way up as the summit stayed covered in mist.
Hung about at the well built wind shelter - saying "please open up"
And it did. First Suillven then Stac Pollaidh then Cul Mor.
Said Thank you to whoever was listening and savoured it for 10 minutes.

Wow says me- I'll be back for all these "wee er hills"
Bumped into a lad from Ayr on the descent who had a little further than me to travel yesterday. All the best pal. Hope your pal enjoyed seeing the pictures of the Herc we saw flying low

So glad I chose Canisp today

Just because it's wee ............ I'll let you insert the missing words :D

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