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Sun, Snow & Autumn Magic on Ben Vorlich (Loch Lomond)

Sun, Snow & Autumn Magic on Ben Vorlich (Loch Lomond)

Postby Chris Mac » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:38 pm

Route description: Ben Vorlich via Loch Sloy

Munros included on this walk: Ben Vorlich (Loch Lomond)

Date walked: 26/10/2018

Time taken: 5.13 hours

Distance: 16.6 km

Ascent: 1290m

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Ben-Vorlich-Loch-Lomond.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

The clocks turning back weekend was fast approaching and I realised a little too late this year that I still had a load of holidays to use up so there was only one thing for it... take the friday off before the end of October and head for the hills!

I don't know about anyone else but I sometimes find it hard to choose what hill to go to, there are so many to pick from and it often comes down to the weather and heading for an area i've not visited in a while. On occasion i'll just pick a direction and head that way with a few hills in mind, going with what feels like the right choice of walk on the way there and this was yet another occasion when intuition won the jackpot! :D

I set off as normal for a Friday morning to drop Y off before grabbing a breakfast roll in the west end and deciding where to go. With a collection required at 5pm time was short but I already knew I wanted to head north, perhaps Crianlarich, perhaps somewhere closer but I know one thing for sure, I wanted a big hill having done a few smaller ones recently.

At first An Caisteal and Beinn a' Chroin were an option but with Michele keen to do them with me and Crianlarich a bit further away I decided against it. Then it happened... driving up the side of Loch Lomond... Ben Vorlich was looking glorious and my decision was finalised. It was closer, would give me time to get back to Glasgow for 5pm and was also a mountain I have had my eye on for some time now, saving it for the perfect day and this would turn out to be that day!

I parked at Inveruglas with A' Chrois basking in the morning sunlight in the background:
ImageDSC_8463 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

A couple in the van next to me were getting ready and said they were heading up Ben Vorlich when I quizzed them on their plans. I said i'd see them up there as they set off ahead of me. I then faffed about sorting out the parking payment before finally heading along the road. Another guy was doing the same and i'd meet him on the hill later on.

Straight away I was enjoying Ben Lomond in silhouette...
ImageDSC_8464 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I crossed the road and followed the path to the gate heading alongside Inveruglas Water. The couple must have had about a 10 minute head start on me so I was surprised when I took the path shortcut at the first bend and saw them coming around it on the road.

Progress was fast along the tarmac as A' Chrois, Beinn Ime and Ben Vane slowly come into view up the glen:
ImageDSC_8488 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

On the right is the bulk of Ben Vorlich's southern flanks:
ImageDSC_8520 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I really wanted to explore all of the Ben and visit all the tops starting with an ascent up this side but knew I would be pressed for time to do so, better to enjoy the tourist route and have more time for faffing about enjoying the view and taking photos.

The road continues around the southern flank, past Coiregrogain as Ben Vane tried its best to entice me up it in the morning sunshine as I passed the large tree on route:
ImageDSC_8526 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

A' Chrois was looking great too in very different conditions compared to the last time I was here when doing the Glen Loin Loop in December a few years ago:
ImageDSC_8527 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Loch Sloy Dam was now straight ahead as I made my way towards it inbetween the smallest Munro in the country and Ben Vorlich:
ImageDSC_8551 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The west side of Vorlich showing the well maintained path and stone steps heading up the hillside:
ImageDSC_8552 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It was safe to say that I was glad I had taken the day off work... 8)
ImageDSC_8562 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Upwards I go...
ImageDSC_8564 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The good path work at the start was a great help but the slope and stone steps doesn't half take it out of you if you're going at mountain goat pace! :lol:

I have a break and enjoy the view down to Loch Sloy as Beinn Bhuidhe makes an appearance in the background:
ImageDSC_8578 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It was a nice sunny morning, i'm not used to my shadow being in shot so early!
ImageDSC_8584 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Vane was looking superb behind me:
ImageDSC_8589 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Behind me Beinn Narnain was now in view along from A' Chrois and the guy I saw in the car park after I left was now fast approaching...
ImageDSC_8591 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

A panoramic shot:
ImageDSC_8595 20181026_114609 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Despite going out regularly all year long and having good hill fitness, it seemed that a 2 week layoff had affected me more than I realised... that or Ben Vorlich was slowly sapping my strength... the old legs were struggling a bit, mind you it cuold have been my pace but I was already being caught up!

The car park guy stopped for a blether and we were chuffed to both be out up the hills today. He said he doesn't like to stop for long though and pressed on faster than me which is saying something despite not being out walking since summer! I'm usually like that but despite having a time limit for this walk I was going to enjoy it at my pace.

Off we go:
ImageDSC_8600 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Another walker approaches on the descent...
ImageDSC_8608 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The two walkers ahead chatted briefly then the descent guy approached me and it was time to stop for another chat, he had his hat and gloves on and said it was fiercely cold at the summit with a light dusting of snow. We both beamed at the fact we had taken today off work and chosen this hill to climb, great minds! :D

He asked if there were many more behing us as we werre the first he'd seen all day and I said a couple were brining up the rear. He then set off as I got a glimpse of more of Loch Lomond to the south:
ImageDSC_8617 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

As I set off sunbeams were clipping the Creag Tharsuinn ridge and hitting Ben Vane... 8)
ImageDSC_8620 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Time to continue along the path:
ImageDSC_8621 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I gained more height and behind me Loch Lomond was coming more into view and not disappointing. I spot Duncolm sticking out atop the Kilpatrick Hills where Ben Vorlich looks great from and it was from there that I first thought it would be worth saving the hill for a good day:
ImageDSC_8628 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Higher up the path gets a bit more rocky:
ImageDSC_8638 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It then levels slightly and it's a straightforward walk along to the summits:
ImageDSC_8639 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Lomond now in view:
ImageDSC_8643 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Still being treated to a display of light and colour behind me was making it hard to keep up a good pace as sunlight continued to kiss the Luss Grahams and bigger Arrochar hills:
ImageDSC_8653 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Vane summit, light snow dusting:
ImageDSC_8659 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Not long to go now...
ImageDSC_8663 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

As I walked along and glanced back again at the south top of Ben Vorlich where the weather had changed and rain was now skirting the hills:
ImageDSC_8665 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Hang on this isn't rain it's snow! Beinn Bhuidhe now barely visible in the distance:
ImageDSC_8670 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The wind had picked up a bit too and as I peered down on Loch Sloy I realised that the snow flurry was barely hitting Ben Vorlich...
ImageDSC_8671 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

ImageDSC_8673 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

What a stroke of luck! :D
ImageDSC_8675 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Lomond:
ImageDSC_8686 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Loch Lomond:
ImageDSC_8696 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The snow shower didn't last long, well not on Ben Vorlich anyway... :wink: so I continued along but had now put on my hat and gloves as it was definitely more chilly and breezy:
ImageDSC_8698 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

To the south east Loch Arkle and Ben Venue:
ImageDSC_8701 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Three lochs visible:
ImageDSC_8702 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

On my right the Crianlarich hills were now in view behind the Little Hills:
ImageDSC_8706 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Further east the rain/snow was still hitting the Strathyre hills, Ben Ledi...
ImageDSC_8711 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Stob a' Choin, Ben Vorlich, Stuc a' Chroin & Benvane:
ImageDSC_8713 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Although I was at the easy final section my progress was slow due to the luck of being on the one hill in the southern highlands that was clear! :lol:

Looking south and the Loch Lomond/Luss Grahams were now being blasted:
ImageDSC_8715 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Snow, rain and autumn colours mixed with sunlight, what a combination! :D
ImageDSC_8717 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Time to get a move on, I don't have all day...
ImageDSC_8720 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

With it being a big long ridge of a hill I figured it was best to take photos to the south while at this end and with a view like this why not:
ImageDSC_8723 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

ImageDSC_8731 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

ImageDSC_8736 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It really was time to get going now! To the east the bigger hills were now clear...
ImageDSC_8755 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The Grahams to the south west were still getting wet...
ImageDSC_8767 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Arthur now in view as I make my way to the summit:
ImageDSC_8774 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The visual display continued:
ImageDSC_8777 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

At last I was approaching the trig point, although not the actual summit:
ImageDSC_8780 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Vorlich summit and north top:
ImageDSC_8783 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Beinn Bhuidhe was now clear to the north west:
ImageDSC_8788 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I didn't wait around at the trig, but did meet car park guy on his way back down and said cheerio as I approached the summit and cairn:
ImageDSC_8789 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Success, the view west from the summit:
ImageDSC_8790 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The other Arrochar Alps are impressive when viewed from the north:
ImageDSC_8793 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Loch Sloy and rain to the west:
ImageDSC_8795 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The north top was fairly close and blocking some of the view so it made sense to pop over to it for a look:
ImageDSC_8796 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Crianliarich Munros in the clouds with the north end of Loch Lomond below:
ImageDSC_8801 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

South east from the summit:
ImageDSC_8803 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Lomond definitely looks the best from the north:
ImageDSC_8809 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Onwards to the north top...
ImageDSC_8813 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It took no time to reach:
ImageDSC_8814 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Lui, Beinn Oss and Beinn Dubhchraig along with the Breadalbane Munros to the north and east:
ImageDSC_8817 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

From the north top, Ben Vorlich was looking impressive with it's light snow dusting:
ImageDSC_8827 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I was also continuing the good luck streak as more rain fell on Glen Kinglas:
ImageDSC_8831 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Stob Coire Creagach & Binnein an Fidhleir:
ImageDSC_8835 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I was going to take out my other lenses but to be honest it was too chilly and windy to make that worthwhile so i'd settle for less of a zoom from the 18-55mm lens with the plan to return to what was fast becoming one of my favourite hills another day, perhaps when it was warmer!

Beinn Bhuidhe:
ImageDSC_8838 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Lui, Beinn Oss and Beinn Dubhchraig again:
ImageDSC_8841 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Tyndrum Corbetts, Ben Challum and co.:
ImageDSC_8844 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

So giving the Crianlarich hills a miss was a good idea today! Always go with the gut... :wink:
ImageDSC_8847 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

East along Balquihidder with one of my favourite Corbett viewpoints Meall an t-Seallaidh on the left in the distance:
ImageDSC_8849 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The other Ben Vorlich, Stuc a' Chroin and Beinn Each:
ImageDSC_8850 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Benvane and Ben Ledi plus you can make out Ben A'an sticking out on the side of Meall Gainmheach:
ImageDSC_8852 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Meikle Bin and the campsies far to the south, another favourite Marilyn viewpoint:
ImageDSC_8858 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I took a quick video while my hands were still working... warning, loud wind noise:
DSC_8865 20181026_130344 >>> Click to view <<<

I realised I should probably have my lunch now so made my way back to the summit to try and find shelter:
ImageDSC_8874 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Looking east:
ImageDSC_8877 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It took no time to return to the top:
ImageDSC_8878 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Conditions had now cleared to the south and I could make out Ailsa Craig and Arran:
ImageDSC_8886 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

No sign of anyone threading the needle today...
ImageDSC_8890 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Beinn Ime, a great place to spend your 40th on a sunny day:
ImageDSC_8892 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Beinn an Lochain:
ImageDSC_8894 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Stob Coire Creagach & Binnein an Fidhleir minus rain:
ImageDSC_8898 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Right next to the summit cairn is a small rocky hollow so I dropped down into it for shelter, sat on my scarf and relaxed for the first time while snacking and soaking in a tremendous view south and west:
ImageDSC_8899 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

ImageDSC_8902 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I should have visited Ben Vorlich sooner... :roll:
ImageDSC_8905 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

As I was snacking I heard a noise above me, looked up and a fellow walker was peering down at me, surprised to find me hidden away at the summit and also searching for shelter! :lol:

We got chatting about the usual, what a braw day to be here! I offered to share my shelter but he was keen to keep on exploring and asked about the north top. I said it took me no time to reach and he should definitely head for it for a better view to the north.

I said I was about to head down and would no doubt bump into him again, then off he went:
ImageDSC_8908 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I decided to head back to the trig point and get few shot of the walker on the north top:
ImageDSC_8909 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Venue and Loch Arklet:
ImageDSC_8915 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Almost back at the trig pillar:
ImageDSC_8917 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

What a view:
ImageDSC_8919 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I had decided, Ben Vorlich was now one of my favourite hills! :D
ImageDSC_8927 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Trig point fun:
ImageDSC_8932 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Ben Lomond, still owes me a view, i'll be back...
ImageDSC_8934 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

One last look at oor wee Alps:
ImageDSC_8936 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Looking back at the summit and north top:
ImageDSC_8939 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It was much clearer to the north now and behind Ben Vorlich's summit outcrop I could make out Ben Starav and Ben Nevis with a lot of snow:
ImageDSC_8951 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I waited a bit longer and finally got my shot of the bearded walker on the north top, always good for scale!
ImageDSC_8953 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Lochs galore... it was time to head down at last and enjoy this view which really emphasises just how massive Loch Lomond is:
ImageDSC_8965 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The second panorama of the day:
ImageDSC_8966 20181026_133224 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

On my left while descending the Crianlarich hills were now clear as Ben More and Stob Binnein showed off their snowy summits:
ImageDSC_8969 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

On my right Beinn Bhuidhe was clear again as was Ben Cruachan, Stob Diamh, Beinn a' Chochuill & Beinn Eunaich:
ImageDSC_8973 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Even further west Mull made an appearance:
ImageDSC_8975 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Still plenty of daylight left at the moment:
ImageDSC_8981 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Even the Paps of Jura came out to say hello before I descended:
ImageDSC_8983 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I passed the couple from the start of the walk at last but they were not very chatty so I moved on and then passed a couple of girls who were all smiles and looked to be the last people ascending Ben Vorlich today. I said to make sure they wrapped up at the summit, must be getting old... :lol:
ImageDSC_8989 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

One last look east to Ben Venue and Loch Arklet:
ImageDSC_8996 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Progress was rapid down the path:
ImageDSC_9002 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Loch Sloy Dam in view again below me to the right:
ImageDSC_9014 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I had actually planned to take in the south top too but at this point I was to absorbed by my surroundings that I didn't split from the path:
ImageDSC_9016 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It was only after descending for a while that I realised I was well below the south top... doh! Oh well one for another day! :lol:
ImageDSC_9021 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Before I lost all good views I sat for a break atop the steep section of path and enjoyed a wee break in the sunshine as it flickered off of Inveruglas Water, warming me up after my summit chills. The guy who had gone for the north top passed and said thanks for advising him to go for it and that it did take no time at all:
ImageDSC_9028 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

It had been a joy watching the sunlight hitting the hills from all angles throughout the day:
ImageDSC_9045 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Much easier going down than up:
ImageDSC_9046 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Rockhopper time... :wink:
ImageDSC_9054 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

My break spot up in the rocks:
ImageDSC_9059 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Loch Sloy again:
ImageDSC_9072 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Bye Grahams...
ImageDSC_9078 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Final section of stone steps:
ImageDSC_9086 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

My treats for the day were not finished yet... as I reached the road the sunlight decided to beam through the clouds again and illuminate Ben Vane:
ImageDSC_9091 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The same happened over A' Chrois: 8) :D
ImageDSC_9098 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Back on tarmac again and I made haste back to Inveruglas car park:
ImageDSC_9108 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

The evening light continued to entertain:
ImageDSC_9116 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

Thanks Ben Vorlich, it's been a joy!
ImageDSC_9122 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

This final section of walk proved entertaining, first by these cows and calves taking up the road and not budging for me, they were friendly and I said hello as I passed...
ImageDSC_9125 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

...only to spot a couple of people walking towards Coiregrogain that probably heard me! :lol:

Distant Ben Ledi:
ImageDSC_9129 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I was walking along enjoying the view when I suddenly tripped on a large cow pat and swore, only to then see a couple walking towards me that I hadn't noticed! :lol: I chuckled at my comedy timing again and smiled as I said it was a lovely afternoon for a walk as they passed, their smirks making me sure they had seen my mishap!

Cruachan, Cruinn a' Bheinn & Ben Lomond:
ImageDSC_9137 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I cut the corner off the road again and went under the railway before reaching the road and heading back to the car:
ImageDSC_9147 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

As I approached the car park Ben Lomond afforded one more photo opportunity:
ImageDSC_9154 by Chris Mac, on Flickr

I got changed back at the car and swigged a milkshake I had left as a reward. I was back at just the right time and traffic permitting would be fine to make my pick up for 5pm. The drive down Loch Lomond was fine compared to what it can be like at the weekend and it was only due to traffic in Glasgow that I was 10 minutes late which wasn't bad going.

I was beaming and thoroughly happy at taking the day off work and it proved once again that following your intuition into the hills is a winner!

I was very glad I kept Ben Vorlich for a day like today, it worked out a treat in all aspects and shot right into my list of favourite hills, highly recommended and worth keeping for a day that guarantees you views.
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Chris Mac
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Re: Sun, Snow & Autumn Magic on Ben Vorlich (Loch Lomond)

Postby Huff_n_Puff » Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:52 pm

Brilliant photos :clap: :clap: - this hill has been in my sights for the last year - but needs a long trip south.. Obviously I need to make the effort :roll: :D
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Re: Sun, Snow & Autumn Magic on Ben Vorlich (Loch Lomond)

Postby Chris Mac » Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:37 pm

Huff_n_Puff wrote:Brilliant photos :clap: :clap: - this hill has been in my sights for the last year - but needs a long trip south.. Obviously I need to make the effort :roll: :D

Thanks very much, it was more down to the timing than anything though, it's not often the hill you are on avoids all the weather events on the surrounding peaks! :lol:

I really enjoyed Ben Vorlich and i'm sure you will too, definitely worth saving for a good day when you make the trip down and if you can you should visit all the tops. I would have if I had more time but now i've got the perfect excuse to return and try some different routes on it... :D
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