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Dovenest Crag

Dovenest Crag

Postby tango » Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:30 pm

Hewitts included on this walk: Dovenest Crag

Date walked: 16/12/2010

Time taken: 5

Distance: 9.5 km

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Started at 0950 hrs, parked on the road by Seathwaite farm. A late start I was waiting for the weather to improve!! which it did "just",through the farm NE along the track back to the road turn right for 100m then take the footpath up to Tarn at Leaves,then on to Rosthwaite cam, nice little hill!!. On to Dovenest Crag,Combe Door & Combe Head.back down to the farm cross country through the boulder fields & snow.Finished at 1450hrs. A very enjoyable but short day!! Those 4 hills are interesting, :thumbup: scrambling if you like that sort of thing, & in the snow even better. :D . snow at 450 metres, rain to start of with then it turned to snow as you gained height!.Freezing -2oc without wind chill,. Quite funny to see my zips & daysack freeze up.. all good Army stuff!!. mutts as always.

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Re: Dovenest Crag

Postby mountain coward » Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:33 am

Scary descent route! There's an actual route down Hind gill just to the left of that - not seen it from above but doesn't look too bad from the bottom, although there's a section which could be too steep for the likes of me - keep meaning to try it though...

The route from Rosthwaite Fell to Combe Door and beyond is very interesting isn't it - I've only done it in summer though... Tarn-at-Leaves is a beauty though isn't it (I'll add a pic below - hope you don't mind). Rosthwaite Cam rocks are a superb place for bilberries as there are bits the sheep can't get to :D
Tarn at Leaves.jpg
mountain coward

Re: Dove nest Crag

Postby tango » Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:39 am

Lovely photo & thanks! the Tarn was snow bound the other day & slighty frozen so it didn't look much like your snap!!. I tried to pick up that path for my decent but with the snow & all that i couldn't find so going straight down wasn't all that bad nice & steady wins the race!! :lol:

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