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Started off from Old Kilpatrick to the north of the Erskine Bridge. Parked up at the beginning of the access road to Loch Humphrey by the Gas Compound. Parked off the road on the footpath and switched my engine off with my handbrake on. Car slowly slide down the hill on a sheet of ice. Re started engine and parked up with two tires on grass verge. I guess this was on omen.
The first 2 kilometres following the track and signs up to loch Humphrey were sheet ice. It was only about 250m level that the ice became snow and conditions became easier. Continued on past Loch Humphrey following the snow covered path up to the top.
- Not much of a view I'm afraid
Retraced my steps back down past Loch Humphrey and negotiated the treacherous ice encrusted road thereafter.
Met a few folk on the way and on the way back and only the labrador was able to walk on the ice.