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I’d been back at work a week…some hill therapy was required. Malcy was also free so we went for somewhere about halfway between us – a return to Beinn a’ Ghlo sounded like a good plan!
We left the car at the parking area near Loch Moraig and headed along the track. Carn Liath ahead looked great

Ben Vrackie

We had a lengthy argument about what this was – eventually we agreed that it could only be Schiehallion

We decided to go anti-clockwise – partly because last time I went clockwise, and more importantly because the wind was forecast to be insane but to drop a little during the day.
But it was nice down in the glen – heading along the track towards Airgiod Bheinn

Airgiod Bheinn on the right

The whole Beinn a’ Ghlo range

It was a long walk along the track but it was easy walking – soon we left the path, hopped across the burn and started heading up Airgiod Bheinn.

Loch Valigan and Ben Vurich

Carn Liath

Looking back

As we climbed higher the wind got stronger and stronger. Well before the summit of Airgiod Bheinn we were struggling to walk. I was having a slightly worse time of it than Malcy – being shorter and probably lighter made me like a skittle, much to Malcy’s amusement

It took longer than it should but eventually we made it to the summit of Airgiod Bheinn and were struggling to stay upright

Towards Carn nan Gabhar

It might be windy but Malcy’s still in his shorts

It was completely insane up top – we thought we’d head out to Carn nan Gabhar and then possibly call it a day. We stumbled along, on the final pull to the summit we met a guy looking for his car keys (no, it wasn’t M4rtin

The wind on the summit was so strong that we couldn’t stand – I made it on top of the cairn and got blown off just after this photo was taken

We hid behind the giant cairn for a bit of food – it was surprising calm

Towards the Gorms

Glen Loch

We decided it was time to get going – we thought we would head back to bealach an Fhiodha and then decide where to go next.
Back to Carn nan Gabhar

Looking down towards Glen Tilt

Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain

We were never really going to turn back were we?

At the bealach we were more sheltered and had maybe forgotten how blowy it was up top, but we decided to continue
It was a short climb up towards Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain and once on the ridge we could see out towards the main Gorms

And back the way we had come – Carn nan Gabhar and Airgiod Bheinn

The Tarf and Tilt hills – a plan to do these in a big 2-dayer was afoot, but during less windy conditions

Summit of Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain

Surprisingly there was only a gentle breeze here – we could only imagine that the ridges and glens was making the wind swirl around and mess with the wind direction. Whatever the reason, we were really pleased
We carried on along the ridge – now out of the worst of the wind it was an enjoyable walk – I’d had a great day up here on the
previous occasion and I was back in the zone
Looking back along our route

Back up to Braigh Choire Chruinn-bhalgain

Along the ridge towards Carn Liath

There was a wee bit of cloud starting to swirl around, although the forecast was for the day to be dry

The final approach to Carn Liath

Looking back

Loch Valigan and Ben Vurich

The whole walk

And then we were on Carn Liath – the views were great and even better, we could stand

Finally able to stand on a trig

Ben Vrackie

We made our way down – it was steep but the path had definitely been improved since my last trip here when it was a completely eroded mess!
Trying to show how manly we are
Back on the track it was an easy walk back to the car – looking back to Carn Liath it looked like we had timed it well