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Tarn & Grey Crags

Tarn & Grey Crags

Postby Phooooey » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:43 pm

Wainwrights included on this walk: Grey Crag, Tarn Crag (Far Eastern Fells)

Hewitts included on this walk: Grey Crag, Tarn Crag

Date walked: 08/01/2011

Time taken: 3.5

Distance: 8 km

Ascent: 553m

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Sadgill - Tarn Crag - Grey Crag - Sadgill

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A lovely January morning shone through the bedroom curtain this morning shouting the fact that I hadn't managed to get into the Lakes for over 4 weeks. To rectify this, a trip into Longsleddale was quickly put together with full backing from Damson.
From Sadgill, we made our way up the walled track following the stream with waterfalls gushing into it from the right.
Walk up Longsleddale

The track was almost total ice at the top of the pass where we headed up right to the fence taking us directly to Tarn Crag and its rather elaborate pillar. The ice was useful up here as the snow from the past few weeks was hard going and the harder icy bits were easier to walk on. Snow holes were everywhere as the snow had banked up to create new ascent routes.
Paths turn icy
Bitterly cold on tops
Snow for miles
Damson on summit
Summit Architecture

My feet went through two of them causing me to do the splits and rip the new walking trousers ... ouch !
From Tarn Crag we followed the fence round to Grey Crag and into a quick snow shower. Photos were difficult in this weather. On decending back into Sadgill, the sun returned allowing for a fairly quick descent.
Heading home

We met only 2 people on our route at the very start and not a sign of anybody else or even footprints after leaving the walled track.
Last edited by Phooooey on Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tarn & Grey Crags

Postby fedupofuserids » Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:46 am

Nice to see another Lakes post on here in 2011 !

The elaborate pillar is actually my avatar pic - it was a survey pillar for the underground aquaduct from Haweswater Reservoir and lines up with its twin on Branstree.

How did you find the bog between Tarn Crag & Grey Crag, had the frost been hard enough to freeze it?

What's the parking like in Longsleddale is it as bad as Kentmere - I plan/hope to do a few Birketts east of Longsleddale this year?
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Re: Tarn & Grey Crags

Postby Phooooey » Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:59 am

The bog was easily managable today. Apart from the areas around Sadgill which had thawed out and become very wet, everything thing else was still frozen almost solid. Even had to sit and slide down on some of the descent as the slopes had filled with snow and become sledging runs. There were only 7 cars parked on right of bridge in the village today and I only bumped into 1 car load on way round.
I did Kentmere late last year and the farmers field was still open with £2 a day honesty box in op. That was approaching half full on a beautiful day (which I have a post for) so parking isnt as much of a problem there. :D
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Re: Tarn & Grey Crags

Postby fedupofuserids » Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:17 am

No pics of Damson ?

Yeah, when I parked in Kentmere I managed to park by the village hall, just, with a little bit of breathing in & a bit of toing & froing for a £1 donation. I saw the field you mention but it looked like it had a sign up saying 'do not park' ! When I returned the sign had gone and it was full of cars.

Never been up Longsleddale so its good to know you can get parked!
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Re: Tarn & Grey Crags

Postby Glenrothes » Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:29 am

Nice wee walk which I have only seen as part of a loop on my mountain bike when dropping over the tops from Staverley.

Another great route, albeit a lot longer, sees you starting at Swindale Head and doing a round (in any direction) of Glede How, Willy Winder Hill, Seat Robert, High Wether Howe, Harrop Pike, Grey Crag, Pillar, Branstree and Artle Crag, Selside and back to Swindale. About 6 hours, but its a quiet area of Lakeland even on Bank Holidays and there is always an abundance of parking!!!!

PS, the farmers field is only used on Bank Holiday weekends because of Town and Country Planning Regulations which allow it to be used as a car park for 14 days a year

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