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Confession time – I have never climbed Tinto Hill!
One of Scotland’s most popular hills, it lies in the opposite direction to where I usually head on my outdoor adventures, and as such I have never headed down here. However we were heading down to meet and collect our new family member (Lexi) from Dunfries so I had a chance to nip up the famous Tinto en route home , and a chance to take the week dog for her first walk
It was mid February, but very mild… in fact it felt more summer like. What wasn’t summer like was the howling southerly gale!! Anyway after collecting our wee dog we got to the car park for Tinto around midday and with it being a Saturday, it was heaving, I think we got the last car parking spot.
Off we set but about a third way up the hill we decided it was too windy for my wife and dog so they headed back for a cake and coffee and I struck on up towards the summit. Not much to say apart from I can see why its such a popular hill. Great expansive views in all directions and a well worn path all the way to summit, means it would be hard to get lost up here.
My arrival on the super big bundle of stones on the summit was greeted with the full extent of the gale force winds. Struggling to stand, I dropped down a little and got alittle shelter in one of the many shelter circles that surround the summit.
Taking in the views, I didn’t linger too long and soon headed off and back to the car where the family were waiting.
A grand wee detour and hill, and well worth the short hike